
Online demo at http://syssgx.github.com/xml.js/

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xmllintTs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xmllint-ts';


Online demo at http://syssgx.github.com/xml.js/

This package exports the xmllint object which is an Emscripten port of libxml2's xmllint command for use in the browser or node.


Object xmllint.validateXML({
    xml: "String",
    schema: "String" || ["String", "String", ...]

The return value Object has one property errors which is either null, in the case of no errors, or an Array of error strings....eg:

if (!xmllint.validateXML(opts).errors) {
    //there were no errors.

Usable with Browserify via browserify-shim.

Building xmllint from source

Install emscripten.

    git clone
    git submodule init
    git submodule update

There are also equivalent gulp tasks.