
Xcraft bus

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xcraftCoreBus from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xcraft-core-bus';



Manage the command and events bus lifecycle and operations.

The command registry is populated on the bootstrap where a list of command locations is passed. A step looks for all files (in the first directory level and according to a pattern) and load the modules in order to found the xcraftCommands property.

If this property exists, then the commands are loaded in the registry. Note that all files in the root path of all modules passed to the bus manager are required. You must ensure that it's always safe to require any .js files in the root directory of the modules.

Built'in commands

Some command handlers are registered separatly.

  • autoconnect
  • disconnect
  • shutdown
  • error
  • motd

Only the shutdown command is publicy exposed. It provides a way in order to shutdown the server.


The modules are dynamically loaded on the bus. Some public commands are available in order to control the lifecycle of all modules (excepted this one of course).

  • bus.module.load
  • bus.module.unload
  • bus.module.reload
  • bus.module.watch
  • bus.module.unwatch