
Console logging utility for xAP home automation messages

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xapLog from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/xap-log';



A command line message logger for xAP home automation using xap-framework

Install and run

  • Compiled code and dependencies can be installed from npmjs: ``npm install xap-log`
  • Run from the command line: node ./lib/xap-log.js [<options>] or npm start [-- <options>]
  • Stops on receiving SIGINT, ctrl-C.


  • --source - show only messages with a source address matching a regular expression
  • --class - show only messages with a message class matching a regular expression
  • --level <1,2> - verbosity: 1 (default) messages, 2 messages and heartbeats
  • --dump - show the message content (by default only a summary line is shown)
  • --heartbeat - heartbeat interval for the logger's own heartbeat (default 300)


xap-hub uses:

  • xap-framework for all network communication and message manipulation.


There is almost no command line option checking,


xap-log is part of a family of modules for xAP
xAP family diagram