
Dojo core is a powerful, lightweight library that makes common tasks quicker and easier. Animate elements, manipulate the DOM, and query with easy CSS syntax, all without sacrificing performance.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import xDojo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/x-dojo';



Fixes and extensions for a custom and maintained dojo-1.x version. This will make it work in cross-environments and is for my own private usage, fitted to me needs.


You can also use the original Dojo version. I changed only a few things:

  • use Electron's require if found
  • If you want read things from a module which is meant for Node.JS only(using for instance dojo/node!net) on the client side: it will noob out all dojo/node!... dependencies. This is done in Dojo's Node.JS plugin 'dojo/node'. Why ? Because I am storing some meta data but also some interface implementations inside modules.


git clone https://github.com/gbaumgart/x-dojo.git


    var path = require('path');
    //pass absolute path to your client library root in the first arg, and in the second the absolute path to your server
    //side only packages
    var amdRequire = require('./x-dojo/dojo-require')(path.resolve('../../Code/client/src/lib/'),path.resolve('.'));
    //at this point:
    // - dojo is loaded with a configuration defined in dojo/dojo-require
    // - there is the dojoRequire defined in global which is the original Dojo's require
    // - there is a little wrapper 'amdRequire' defined in global
    //now you can write: 
    var someModule = amdRequire('foo/bar');