
A simple language linter mainly for Chinese.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrightCore from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wright-core';



Build Status

wright, a simple language linter mainly for Chinese. And it can also check your source file format(Markdown, etc.).


npm i wright-core --save
import wright from 'wright-core';
const fileContent = '你们有一个好,全世界甚么地方,你们跑得最快,但是问来问去的问题呀,too simple,sometimes naive,懂得没有?';
const rules = { syntax: {}, lang: {
  'space-between-han-west': true,
  'avoid-curly-quotes': true,
  'avoid-conjuncted-spaces': true,
  'prefer-full-punctuations': true,
} };

wright(fileContent, 'zh_cn', 'plain', rules);

Full documentation coming soon.


Build locally

Node (Normal Environment)

npm run build, and you'll see the Babel-compiled files in dist/.


npm run build && npm run build-browser, dist/wright-core.b.js is the browser bundle.

To minify, use npm run browser-minify then.

You'll need to load babel-polyfill and underscore before the browser bundle, as we just have a shim to load them from window. So lodash may also works with wright as we just use window._.

Running tests

Build first, and then npm test.

Code linting

npm run lint powered by ESLint. Please ensure that your code is linting-error/warnings-free before submitting a PR.
