
A REST API testing library.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wrestle from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wrestle';



A REST API unit testing framework

Wrestle enables you to unit test and automatically document your API from the command line or the browser by specifying intuitive, unit tests for each route.


  • Simple unit test defintion.
  • Run tests in the browser or from the command line.
  • Generate documentation (with themes) from the test spec.


Install Wrestle with npm.

$ npm install wrestle -g


Defining tests with Wrestle is as simple as defining the route, the HTTP method and the expected JSON response.

wrestle.describe("Get user named 'foo'")
    username: "foo",
    id: /\w{6}/

wrestle.post("/user", {
    username: "bar"
}).expect(200, {
    success: true

Command Line

Wrestle tests can be executed from the command line by simple supplying the file to the wrestle test command then run the tests.

$ wrestle test path/to/tests.js

Command line example


Wrestle tests can also be run in the browser. Define your tests and include index.js, browser/interface.js and the test file.

There are a couple of caveats however due to the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) policy which doesn't allow cross-domain requests (or in fact any requests from a static page) so the following options to enable testing in the browser.

  1. Host and run the tests under the same domain as the API.
  2. Start Chrome with the --disable-web-security flag to disable the CORS security.
  3. Enable CORS in your API's headers.


Command line

wrestle -- Simple REST API testing
  help 			 		Shows this help.
  test <file> 			Run a test file.
    --simple  		 	Simple output report
    --report  		 	Just output report
    --i x..y   		 	Run tests numbers x through to y
    --i x, y, z		 	Run tests x, y, z only
  doc <file> 			Output API documentation
    --theme <theme>		Output documentation with theme from doc/theme/
    --output <path>		Specify output path for documentation. Defaults to test file directory.

Test defintion API

wrestle.describe( <string> )

Describe a test case. This is the description variable in the documentation generator

wrestle.describe("Generate a random username")
        username: String

wrestle.method( <path>, <data> )

Create a test case for a GET, PUT, POST or DELETE HTTP method. path can contain variables expanded by wrestle.format. data is the request data to be passed along to the server. Data specified alongside the GET method will be converted to URL parameters.

    username: "foo",
    email: String

<test>.expect( <code>, <responseSchema>, <callback> )

Define the response schema for a test. code is the expected HTTP status code. responseSchema is the schema for the JSON response, see wrestle.schema for a full description on defining schemas.


    id: Number,
    name: String,
    gender: /male|female/

wrestle.<request|response>.schema( <method>, <code>, <responseSchema> )

Define a schema for request data or JSON response that matches either the request method, HTTP status code or both. A schema is an object that defines a set of rules another a request or response object must conform to. Wrestle loops over the object and tests if the property exists in the schema and that the property's value is of the same type as the schema or matches a regular expression. Schemas can contain variables which will be replaced by values when the request is executed (variables are defined using wrestle.define).

wrestle.response.schema(200, {
    meta: {
        code: 200,
        url: String,
        error: Boolean

wrestle.request.schema("post", {
    session: ":session",
    auth: {
        username: "admin",
        password: "root"

wrestle.define( <name>, <value> )

Define a variable for use within schemas or paths which can be accessed using the : prefix.

Suite tools

wrestle.on( <event>, <callback> )

Add an event listener to the test suite using .on or .addEventListener. Below is a list of events and the details sent to them.

testA new test has begun testing.test
beginTesting has begun.
endAll tests have been completed.report
pausedTesting has been paused
errorAn error has occured.

Below is the list of events sent to a test. These can be binded to the test sent when the test event above is called.

startA new test has started.
passA test has passed.status, response
failA test has failed.err, status, response
finishA test has been completed.err, status, response

wrestle.begin( [x, y, x] | [upper, lower] )

Begin testing. Optionally pass in array of test indexs or bound to only run selected tests.


Pause testing.


Resume testing.


Wrestle can compile your API spec into some pretty informative documentation. It does this with a Mustache templating system. As is matures, more complex data will be passed into the documentation and maybe even a selection of templating engines but for now, it's fairly basic. Below is a table of all the variables passed into the theme. See the Mustache.js documentation for some help in theme formatting.

Variable NameDescription
rulesArray of API rules.
rule.methodAPI rule HTTP method.
rule.pathPath with emphasis on variables.
rule.descriptionDescription of the API rule.
rule.parametersParameters sent along with request to the server.
rule.responseRespone recieved from request.
versionThe current version of wrestle


  • Create a GUI for the browser