
World map using d3

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import worldMap from '';


World map

Create and add world maps to your pages, enable zoom to get a more interactive views of the lands, and load additional resources to draw and customize the maps.

alt tag

See on


Download the latest release, copy world-map.js or world-map.min.js (for minified version) from the dist folder into your project and simply load the file in a script tag

<script type="text/javascript" src="worl-map.min.js"></script>

You can also install with npm

npm install world-map --save

Then require it in your code

var WorldMap = require("world-map");

To create a new map, first add the container where can be loaded

<div id="my-map"></div>

Pass the id as first parameter of the constructor, and that's all!

var map = new WorldMap("my-map");

A optional object of options can be passed as second parameter

  width: 960,
  height: 480,
  zoom: false,                             // enable/disable dragging and zooming
  resources:                               // load additional resources to customize the maps 
      name: 'stations',                    // when loaded can access as map.resources.stations
      type: 'json',                        // also could be 'csv' 
      src: '',           // path to the resource
      onLoad: function (map, resource) {}, // called after the resource is loaded
      row: myOtherFunction,                // called for all row of the resource, used whit csv  
  onLoad: function (map) {},               // called when all resources loading is complete
  hideAntarctic: true,                       
  landsColor: '#ddd',
  landsBorder: '#fff',
  onDraw: function (map) {}                // draw additional canvas shapes inside

Take a look to a live example.

For a more advanced example flights-map can be useful, see working here.


Copyright © 2016 Santiago H. Cardona. Licensed under the MIT License.