
And the best part.... There is zero coding involved Forget diving into code and creating unmanagable config files. Use our workflow recorder feature to do everything with the UI

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import workflowRecordAndWalkthrough from '';


workflow-record-and-walkthrough (React)

workflow-record-and-walkthrough is a zero coding/config workflow creation and tour for products

Zero coding/config involved (UI Driven)

And the best part.... There is zero coding involved Forget diving into code and creating unmanagable config files. Use our workflow recorder feature to do everything with the UI

How to Use

  1. npm install workflow-record-and-walkthrough
  2. add this in App.js <SelfHelp themeColor="#FFC45E" highlightColor="#FFC45E" inspectorColor="#c1f0f6"></SelfHelp>
  3. Create workflow using the record functionality.
  4. users can see the workflow you created and play on it to start a UI Guide and guide them step by step through the entire process.
  5. Done. :)