
Components created by the Wildcard Team

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wildcardsComponents from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wildcards-components';


Wildcards Component Library

Components created by the Wildcard Team

Dev Setup

Quick start

Make sure you have Node version >= 6.0 and NPM >= 3

Clone the repo, install and then start adding/editing components inside /src/lib

# clone the gaf-ng-app-starter repo and rename it (renamed 'new_awesome_lib' below)
git clone git@github.com:meltwater/wildcards-components.git wildcards-components

# change directory to our repo
cd wildcards-components

# install the repo with npm
npm install

# start the sandbox app
npm start

Navigate to https://local-social.sysomos.com/settings/account


NPM link

NPM link allows you to develop locally without publishing the npm package. If you are just working on your component, there is not need to use npm link, the sandbox app will work fine. But if you need to test your component in the consuming project, while making changes, npm link is right for you.

In wildcards component library

cd dist/wildcards-component
npm link

In consuming library

npm link @meltwater/wildcards-components

To continuously run the build on change(recommended when using npm link) you will want to run the build:watch script in the wildcards component library. Furthermore, you may want to enable a watcher on the consuming library to build when node_modules/@meltwater/ changes.

NPM scripts

  • npm start: Runs npm run sandbox:serve
  • npm run build: Generate bundles and typings
  • npm run build:watch: Run build in watch mode (build will re-generate on save of any file in the src/dist directory)
  • npm run sandbox: Generate library bundle using npm run build and start sandbox web app using webpack dev server
  • npm run docs: Generate API docs for the library using [compodoc] ()
  • npm run docs:watch: Run docs generation in watch mode (docs will re-generate on save any file in the src/lib directory)
  • npm run test: Run unit test suite
  • npm run lint: Lints code using tslint

Generated from
