
Build - Database Schema - Deploy Demo Site - Message Format

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import webchatApp from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/webchat-app';


Webchat plugin/widget

Documentation Links


Install node dependencies

npm install

Run webpack to generate transpiled javascript

## From Makefile

# build once
make build

# build and watch for file changes.
make watch

## Using webpack directly

# From project's local webpack dependency with npm installed
npx webpack

# From project's local webpack dependency with npm installed, watch files and rebuild
npx webpack --clientid=1 --watch

# build war file
npx webpack --clientid=1 --war

# update api files (can be used in conjunction with watch)
npx webpack --updateApi

# From a global webpack install

To install npx, run npm install -g npx, however it comes standard with newer versions of node.


The distributable script (which ultimately includes the other necessary scripts) will be transpiled and embedded in this sample html page open this file in your browser. This should be set up with an express server in the near future for better debugging


Located in ./server/* are files relating to a local express server that can server webchat configurations from a static json file. This is useful for when C1 servies (data storage and file upload) are not running. It allows us to mimic some necessary functionality of the Java api layer.

Building a demo site