
An IRC Wafflebot

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import wafflebot from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/wafflebot';



Build Status Coverage Status npm

An IRC wafflebot.

Fun Features

  • Waffles
  • Wafflebot will send you an email if you get pinged in a channel
  • Far too many to describe, you'll have to explore!

Have Wafflebot join a room

/msg wafflebot join #myawesomechannel

Subscribe to Wafflebot for notifications

Wafflebot did use Pushbullet for sending iOS notifications, but this has now been replaced by emails. If you would like iOS push notifications to be reenabled, let me know!

To subscribe, send wafflebot a private message with your email address:

/msg wafflebot notify subscribe markl@yelp.com

Protip: You can enable browser/mobile notifications from wafflebot:

How to run:

So you want to run your own Wafflebot? Good decision!

Suggested method of running Wafflebot is inside Docker.

git clone git@github.com/magicmark/wafflebot
cd wafflebot
make docker-run


Note: Wafflebot uses nodemailer for sending emails - see their documentation for info about the mail_transport_string.


  • Add more delicious british foods


Go for it! Submit a pull request :)
