
A vue component for select time (by Chronotruck)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vueCtkTimePicker from '';



A vue component for select time (by Chronotruck)


An example is available


npm install vue-ctk-time-picker --save

In single component

import CtkTimePicker from 'vue-ctk-time-picker'

var yourComponent = new Vue({
  components: { CtkTimePicker },
    v-model="value" // if you want init value : always this format 'HH:mm'
    :label="'Choose a time'"
    color="#FF0000" />

Props API

Props Type Required Default Options
v-model String/Int true - -
label String false Enter Text -
type String no text text or number
hint* text no -
error-hint** Boolean no false
color*** String (hex) no dodgerblue
minute-interval Int no 1

*hint : Is a text that replaces the label/placeholder

**error-hint : When is true --> Input border & label are red

***color: Replace color for the hint, the borders & time selected in dropdown


# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev