
 Version 0.1.181 : 10/09/2019 - BL ngx-datatable v 16.02 & rxjs v 6.5.2 (CARREFULL : ngx-datatable css change in main.scss)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import voiteqAngular from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/voiteq-angular';


 Version 0.1.181 : 10/09/2019 - BL ngx-datatable v 16.02 & rxjs v 6.5.2 (CARREFULL : ngx-datatable css change in main.scss)

Version 0.1.176 : 16/05/2018 - BL add a component and a service to allow export a datatable in CSV

Version 0.1.156 : 19/03/2018 - BL define processDetails function from outside

Version 0.1.127 : 25/02/2018 - BL reset password on user

Version 0.1.124 : 25/02/2018 - BL date time picker column types : Text | Options | Date | DateTime | DateTimeFull | Time | TimeFull localizedDate replace custom formats with : voiteqDate | voiteqDateShortTime | voiteqDateTime | voiteqDateFullTime (new date json)

Version 0.1.99 : 19/02/2018 - BL date picker for column filter localizedDate as DatePipe with 2 new format : shortDateTime (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss) and shortDateFullTime (MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss.SSS)

Version 0.1.91 : 19/02/2018 - BL date localization

Version 0.1.90 : 18/02/2018 - BL menus with auto selection of first available child

Version 0.1.85 : 15/02/2018 - BL add multi-languages support

Version 0.1.55 : 26/10/2018 - BL canSave accept a model as parameter and respond with the appropriate right

Version 0.1.53 : 26/10/2018 - BL Integration full base framework with user and right management

Version 0.1.33 : 23/10/2018 - BL Add accessn rights tree component -> Usage : <access-tree (checkChanged)="function($event)">

Version 0.1.29 : 20/10/2018 - BL Add HttpActivityInterceptor

Version 0.1.24 : 19/10/2018 - BL Add rights managment

Version 0.1.16 : 12/10/2018 - BL Add implicit datatable recalculation on window resize

Version 0.1.15 : 10/10/2018 - BL Add today() function

Version 0.1.14 : 03/10/2018 - BL Fix date regex

Version 0.1.10 : 02/10/2018 - BL Add initial value for filter

Version 0.1.6 : 26/09/2018 - BL Add date filter

Version 0.1.4 : 23/09/2018 - BL Add dropdown filter

Version 0.1.1 : 21/09/2018 - BL Add convertToT function to BaseHttpService

Version 0.1.0 : 20/09/2018 - BL Filter component for the ngx-datagrid

Version 0.0.39 : 18/09/2018 - BL Function toJson to ensure compatibility with get property

Version 0.0.38 : 17/09/2018 - BL Function to cast array property in "true" business type

Version 0.0.37 : 15/09/2018 - BL return "true" business object from Crud Service

Version 0.0.31 : 06/09/2018 - BL export enum for State

Version 0.0.30 : 06/09/2018 - BL Complete default properties for AEntity

Version 0.0.29 : 29/08/2018 - BL Default sort on the first visibled column if not defined

Version 0.0.28 : 28/08/2018 - BL Add executeRequest into BaseHttp service

Version 0.0.25 : 27/08/2018 - BL Add "class" property to the grid

Version 0.0.20 : 24/08/2018 - BL Add a specific grid style to decrease the row heigth Add "sorts" property for the grid

Version 0.0.17 : 24/07/2018 - BL Add a complex grid filter

Version 0.0.11 : 18/07/2018 - BL Add a limit to the grid

Version 0.0.9 : 18/07/2018 - BL Translation for columns from common.columns or common if not found

Version 0.0.4 : 06/07/2018 - BL Add Translate factory to load json translation files