
Videoflow controller components

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vffControllers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vff-controllers';


Table of contents

Videoflow Controllers Library

This library provides HTML components and Layout helper classes that will allow you to create your Videoflow controllers out of the box.

Videoflow Controllers

Videflow controllers allow you to manage your visual engagement data in most intuitive way.
Controllers are HTML elements and can be simply used inside you're HTML.
Please note, VFF controllers are Custom Elements and can not be self closing tags. The proper way of using a component is by always writing the opening and the closing tag:


Loading dependencies

<script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/vff-controllers/dist/vff-controller/vff-controller.esm.js"></script>
<script nomodule="" src="https://unpkg.com/vff-controllers/dist/vff-controller/vff-controller.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vff-controllers/dist/vff-controller/vff-controller.css"/>

Starter Template

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html dir="ltr" lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=5.0">
  <title>Videflow Controllers Starter</title>

  <!-- Videoflow CSS  -->
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/vff-controllers/dist/vff-controller/vff-controller.css"/>

  <!-- Videoflow Controllers  -->
  <script type="module" src="https://unpkg.com/vff-controllers/dist/vff-controller/vff-controller.esm.js"></script>
  <script nomodule="" src="https://unpkg.com/vff-controllers/dist/vff-controller/vff-controller.js"></script>
    <vff-tabs default="section1">
      <vff-tab for="section1">First</vff-tab>
      <vff-tab for="section2">Second</vff-tab>
      <vff-tab for="section3">Third</vff-tab>
    <div id="section1" class="ctrl-container">
        <div class="ctrl-container-row">[YOUR HTML HERE]</div>
    <div id="section2" class="ctrl-container">
        <div class="ctrl-container-row">[YOUR HTML HERE]</div>
    <div id="section3" class="ctrl-container">
        <div class="ctrl-container-row">[YOUR HTML HERE]</div>

How to use this library

Basic Layout

A section must have a ctrl-container class html<div id="section1" class="ctrl-container"> This is needed in order to control section visibility and give a section the initial CSS it needs.
Each direct descendant of a ctrl-container must have in ctrl-container-row class.

<div id="section1" class="ctrl-container">
    <div class="ctrl-container-row">[YOUR HTML HERE]</div>

Tabs used to control section visibility. Each tab has a for attribute : html<vff-tab for="section_id">.
This attribute specifies which content section a tab is bound to.

    <vff-tab for="section1">First</vff-tab>

Sections used to visually divide controllers, each section holds controllers needed for a specific engagement screen.
In order to allow a section to be bound to a tab it must have the same id=section_id as the tab.

<div id="section1" class="ctrl-container"></div>

Using Controllers

Common events that each component fires in different stages of it's life cycle:

Event Payload Description
vff:init{data, target: HTMLElement}Right after a controller has been attached to DOM.
vff:change{data, target: HTMLElement}Each time when a change from user interface of a controller is received.
vff:remove{data, target: HTMLElement}Each time a controller has been detached from DOM

Common events that each component listens to:

Event Payload Description
vff:update{dataAttrName: string, dataAttrValue: string, value}Each component can be updated with new data.

Available Controllers

After setting up the basic layout, you can start declaring which controllers your layout will include.

    <vff-checkbox>You can have you're text here!</vff-checkbox>


Property Value Description
valuebooleanSets or returns the checked state of a checkbox

    <vff-radio-button name="radio-group">Radio1</vff-radio-button>
    <vff-radio-button name="radio-group">Radio2</vff-radio-button>
    <vff-radio-button name="radio-group">Radio3</vff-radio-button>


Property Value Description
namestringSets or returns the value of the name attribute of the radio button
valuestringSets or returns the value of the value attribute of the radio button
checkedbooleanSets or returns the checked state of a radio button


Image Browser provides drag’n’drop and upload button file uploads with image previews.



Property Value Description
valuestringSets and returns image url for preview only. Previed image will not be registered in selectedFiles.
selectedFiles[File]Returns array of File objects that represent selected file or files.
errorstringSet related error messages. Error text is cleared after 10 secs or on click.
progressbooleanSet this property to enable progress bar UI.
progress-statusint [0-100]Set to control the progress bar value.


Method Arguments Returns Description
addFiles[File]n/aSets File objects that represent selected file or files


This component is a wrapper of color pickr by Simonwep



Property Value Description
valuestringSets or returns color representation in HEX(A)



Name Description
SelectItem{ key: 'string', value: 'string' }.


Property Type Description
options SelectItem SelectItem[]
multiple boolean Enables multiple selection
value SelectItem[] Sets or returns selected options

Important: When setting the options, the key must be a unique value to avoid unexpected behaviour.



Property Type Description
multiline boolean Defines a multi-line text input control
placeholder string Specifies a short hint that describes the expected value of a text area
value string Sets or returns the contents of a text area



Property Type Description
max number Sets or returns the maximum value allowed
min number Sets or returns the minimum value allowed
step number Sets or returns the number of intervals of a slider control
value number Sets or returns the value of a slider control



Property Type Description
value number Sets or returns the value in seconds.