
A simple component for create a vertical timeline with Reactjs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verticalTimelineReactjs from '';



A simple component to generate a responsive vertical timeline Vertical Timeline Component React


Coverage Status Version Build Status Dependencies devDependencies Status peerDependencies Status

Getting started

To install as npm dependency

npm install --save vertical-timeline-component-react

API Documentation


This is the wrapper component that creates the vertical timeline.

  • Childrens
Number of children Required Value Allowed
Many At least the first Container component is required Only Container components
  • Props
name Type Required Values Allowed default values Description
theme object false colors { yearColor: "#888888", lineColor: "#c5c5c5", dotColor: "#c5c5c5", borderDotColor: "#ffffff", titleColor: "#cccccc", subtitleColor: "#888888", textColor: "#cccccc" } Set colors in all components
lang node false en, es or de en Change the language from and to texts and change the format in the dates
dateFormat string false L, l or ll L Change the presentation format of dates

dateFormat: Receive only one of three options. (The options are same the moment.js using).

  • The option L will return a date like MM/DD/YYYY (in English), DD/MM/YYYY (in Spanish) DD.MM.YYYY (in German).
  • The option l will return a date like M/D/YYYY (in English), D/M/YYYY (in Spanish) D.M.YYYY (in German).
  • The option ll will return a date like MMM DD, YYYY (in English), DD de MMM, YYYY (in Spanish) DD. MMM YYYY (in German).


Each event in the timeline will be represented by the Content component. This component receive only two children's, the first is YearContent and the second is BodyContent. There can be multiple repeating instances of this component inside Timeline wrapper.

  • Childrens
Number of children Required Value Allowed
2 true YearContent and BodyContent


For each Container you need YearContent (like firts children) since with this component you mark the events in the given year.

  • Props
Name Type Required Values Allowed default values Description
startDate string true YYYY/MM/DD - YYYY/MM - YYYY does not apply The date of the start of the content or contents
endDate string false YYYY/MM/DD - YYYY/MM - YYYY does not apply The date of the end of the content or contents
currentYear boolean false true or false current year The value is the current year, it is recommended to use it in the last Container


For each Container you need ContentBody (like second children). This component will be the container of the one or more Sections.

  • Childrens
Number of children Required Value Allowed
Many At least the first Section component is required Only Section components


This component is the container for one or more Description.

  • Childrens
Number of children Required Value Allowed
Many At least the first Description component is required Only Description components
  • Props
Name Type Required Description
title string true It's the title of any section


This component can be the text of the description or a subtitle

  • Props
Name Type Required Values Allowed default values Description
variant string false subtitle or description description Transform the format of the text
text string true Any text does not apply Show the description of the Section

How to use it

The following snippet will show you how to use the library:

Using class components:

import {
} from 'vertical-timeline-component-react';

const customTheme = {
 yearColor: '#405b73',
 lineColor: '#d0cdc4',
 dotColor: '#262626',
 borderDotColor: '#d0cdc4',
 titleColor: '#405b73',
 subtitleColor: '#bf9765',
 textColor: '#262626',

class Main extends Component {
 render() {
   <Timeline theme={customTheme} dateFormat='ll'>
     <YearContent startDate='2020/07/01' currentYear />
      <Section title='Title'>
       <Description variant='subtitle' text='Subtitle' />
       <Description text='Description' />
       <Description text='Another description' />

      <Section title='Another title'>
       <Description text='Description' />
       <Description text='Another description' />

Using function components:

import {
} from 'vertical-timeline-component-react';

const Main = () => {
 const customTheme = {
  yearColor: '#405b73',
  lineColor: '#d0cdc4',
  dotColor: '#262626',
  borderDotColor: '#d0cdc4',
  titleColor: '#405b73',
  subtitleColor: '#bf9765',
  textColor: '#262626',

 return (
  <Timeline theme={customTheme} dateFormat='ll'>
    <YearContent startDate='2020/07/01' currentYear />
     <Section title='Title'>
      <Description variant='subtitle' text='Subtitle' />
      <Description text='Description' />
      <Description text='Another description' />

     <Section title='Another title'>
      <Description text='Description' />
      <Description text='Another description' />
