
Minimalistic JS utils library with a human face

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vertibar from '';


Build Status Coverage Status

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Minimalistic JavaScript utils library intended to replace underscore / lodash.


Most methods people usually use from underscore or lodash already implemented natively in ES5 / ES6, but lots of developers keep pulling those monsters increasing size of their output bundles, polluting their code with purely readable _ characters and slowing down their project starting time.

As for those methods which are still missing in "native" JS API - underscore / lodash provides pretty ugly API. For example, which code does look better / more readable: const lone = _.clone(obj) or const clone = obj.deepCopy()?

So my intention is to extend "native" JS API with methods we often find missing.



<string>.isURI() - returns Bool true if string is a valid URI <string>.capitalize() - returns a new capitalized string ("hello world".capitalize() => "Hello world")


<array>.first - is a readonly property which returns first element of an array or undefined if array is empty

<array>.last - is a readonly property which returns last element of an array or undefined if array is empty

<array>.empty() - returns Bool true if array is empty, otherwise returns false

<array>.deepCopy() - returns a deep copy of an array

<array>.flatten() - flattens an array. Example: [1, [2, 3, [4, 5] ] ].flatten(); // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

<array>.head - is a readonly property implementing head of collection concept from functional programming. Returns the first element of an array

<array>.tail - is a readonly property implementing tail of collection concept from functional programming. Returns all but first elements from an array

<array>.dedup([optionalCondition]) - returns array with no duplicated elements, if there where any. This function uses strict equal to compare elements by default. If custom equal condition needs to be used - a "condition" function may be passed as a parameter.

This method expects optional condition function to have format:

(element1, element2) => <return true for duplicated elements>


<anyObject>.deepCopy() - returns a deep copy of an object

Object.isUndefined(instance) - a "static" method. Returns Bool true if instance is undefined


Math.roundTo(number, decimals) - rounds float point number to specified decimals using common mathematical rounding rules


<any function>.throttle(rate, [optionalContext]) - throttles function at rate. Other words, prevent function to be called more frequent then rate parameter specifies. optionalContext - may be used to pass this to throttled function.

<any function>.debounce(wait, [optionalContext]) - "debounces" function call. Other words, it makes sure that actual call is made at least after wait milliseconds after last call attempt, preventing multiple frequent calls. optionalContext - may be used to pass this to debounced function.