
Ensure node versions on travis and appveyor are consistent

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verifyTravisAppveyor from '';



Ensure node versions on travis and appveyor are consistent.

npm Node version Build Status JavaScript Style Guide

Useful as a maintenance script to ensure travis and appveyor are using the same node versions. Running it in a test or prepublishOnly script in your package.json will let you know if you have missed anything.


Add to your devDependencies as part of your test and/or release flow:

$ npm i verify-travis-appveyor --save-dev

Or, install globally for system wide availability:

$ npm i verify-travis-appveyor -g


Run verify-travis-appveyor in a project folder containing a .travis.yml and a appveyor.yml.

Exits with code 0 if they are both consistent.

$ verify-travis-appveyor

An error message will be printed together with an exit code of 1 if they are inconsistent.

$ verify-travis-appveyor
travis:["6","8","9"] and appveyor:["4","6","8"] are inconsistent

Additionally outputs a WARNING for each node version that have reached End of Life (EOL).
