
Interprete/compile *.utter files for creating a verbose library of utterances

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verboseUtterance from '';


Verbose Utterance

Interprete/compile files with the .utter extension for creating a verbose library of utterances.

See samples folder for example files that can be used.



    npm i --save verbose-utterance


    yarn add verbose-utterance



    const verboseUtterance = require('verbose-utterance');
    verboseUtterance('filename.utter').then( (utterances) => {
        console.log('results', utterances);


    import verboseUtterance from 'verbose-utterance';
    verboseUtterance('filename.utter').then( (utterances) => {
        console.log('results', utterances);

Current features

Future features (not yet implemented)

Coverage strategy (Synset)

Using wordnet which has words group by synonyms with a key called a synset, it is possible to target words using a synset in an expression rather than a word.

Expanding all the possible words with the same meaning eliminates the possibility of a user using a phrase they would expect to be a valid utterance and being disappointed by it not being supported.

Verbose strategy (Word emition)

By using a stopword synonym prefixed with a pipe, the compiled utterances will contains extracts with and without stopwords which will increase the chances of matching someone who speaks in a verbose manner.