
Generate a list of links to the first line of code for each method in a given directory.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import verbHelperCodelinks from '';


verb-helper-codelinks NPM version

Generate a list of links to the first line of code for each method in a given directory.

Install with npm

npm i verb-helper-codelinks --save


Add a verbfile.js to your project with the following:

var verb = require('verb');

// register the helper
verb.helper('codelinks', require('verb-helper-codelinks'));

// add a task to build your docs
verb.task('default', function () {
  return verb.src('')

In your file:

{%= codelinks('lib/') %}

Results in markdown like this:

+ **[one](fixtures/one.js)**
  - [.a](fixtures/one.js#L7)
  - [.b](fixtures/one.js#L13)
  - [.c](fixtures/one.js#L19)
+ **[two](fixtures/two.js)**
  - [.c](fixtures/two.js#L7)
  - [.d](fixtures/two.js#L13)
  - [.e](fixtures/two.js#L19)

_(Code links generated by Verb's [api-toc] helper)_


That renders to a list of links that looks like this:

(Code links generated by Verb's api-toc helper)

See the example verbfile.js.

Why use Verb?

It's magical and smells like baby powder. Besides that, it's also the most powerful and easy-to-use documentation generator for node.js. And it's magical.

Related projects

  • template-helpers: Generic JavaScript helpers that can be used with any template engine. Handlebars, Lo-Dash, Underscore, or any engine that supports helper functions.
  • verb: Verb makes it dead simple to generate markdown documentation, using simple templates, with zero configuration required. A project without documentation is like a project that doesn't exist.

Running tests

Install dev dependencies:

npm i -d && npm test


Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue


Jon Schlinkert


Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert
Released under the MIT license

This file was generated by verb-cli on April 19, 2015.