
Deletes one or more values from an Array, Map, Object, Set, or other collection.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vdel from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/vdel';



Deletes one or more values from an Array, Map, Object, Set, or other collection.


Requires Node.js 8.3.0 or above.

npm i vdel


The module exports a del() function that has one other function attached to it as a method: del.all().



  1. Bindable: collection (Array, Map, Object, Set, or WeakSet): The collection from which to possibly remove a value.
  2. valueToDelete (any): The value to be removed (if found).
  3. Optional: Object argument:
    • arrays / maps / sets / weakSets (arrays of classes/strings): Arrays of classes and/or string names of classes that should be treated as equivalent to Array/Map/Set/WeakSet (respectively).
    • compareAs (function): A callback that accepts a single existing value from the collection and transforms it before it is compared.
    • compareBy (any): If set, each existing value in the collection is assumed to be a subcollection, and the value in each subcollection corresponding to the compareBy key will be compared to valueToDelete. Only applies if compareAs is not set. If compareBy is an array, it is assumed to be a chain of nested keys.
    • compareByOptions (object): An options argument for the kget module, which is used when compareBy is set.
    • loose (boolean): Whether or not to identify values loosely (as defined by looselyEquals). Defaults to false.
    • looselyEquals (function): A callback that accepts two values and returns true if they are to be considered equivalent or false otherwise. This argument is only used if loose is true. If omitted, the default behavior will, among other things, consider arrays/objects to be equal if they have the same entries.

Return Value

The number of items deleted.


const del = require('vdel')

const arr = [0, 1, 0, 1]
del(arr, 0) // 2
arr // [1, 1]

const obj = {str: 'test', arr: []}
del(obj, [], {loose: true}) // 1
obj // {str: 'test'}


Use this function if you want to remove multiple values from a collection all at once. The signature is the same as the main function except that the second parameter is called valuesToDelete and takes an iterable (such as an array). The return value is the total number of items deleted.


const del = require('vdel')

const set = new Set([1, 2, 3])
del.all(set, [1, 2]) // 2
Array.from(set) // [3]


The “k” family of modules works on keyed/indexed collections.

The “v” family of modules works on any collection of values.