
Interact with a registry for credential statuses on Ethereum

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import vcStatusRegistry from '';



Build Status Test Coverage Maintainability JavaScript Style Guide

A TypeScript/JavaScript library for interacting with the VCStatusRegistry smart contract on Ethereum.

The VCStatusRegistry smart contract keeps track of DID's in two ways:

  • An issuer will call setVcStatus when issuing a new credential to a DID
  • An issuer is able to revoke a credential by calling removeVcStatus for the DID


In an existing project (with package.json), install vc-status-registry

npm install vc-status-registry --save


import VcStatusRegistry from 'vc-status-registry'

const privateKey = '53fd2ebe003d072fe914a90581b8d36964f2392ede2fab9618d4492cff85f35d' // Issuer private key
const contractAddress = '0xe9fdf8130ad68fd11d195fb1e49a479e30b6d3d4' // VC Status Registry smart contract address
const provider = ''

const vcStatusRegistry = new VcStatusRegistry(

const credentialId = '0x72d3bc4da6e025540edbfee8b376918f95ec59e4' // The address of the holder, extracted from the DID

(async () => {

  // Set a credential using 'privateKey/address'
  await vcStatusRegistry.setVcStatus(credentialId)

  // Check credential status 
  const credendialIdStatus = await vcStatusRegistry.getVcStatus(address, credentialId)
  console.log('status:', credentialIdStatus) // "true" if active or "false" if revoked or never registered

  // Remove a credential using 'privateKey/address'
  await vcStatusRegistry.setVcStatus(credentialId, false)


Running tests

Besides unit testing with Mocha, the effectivity of all tests are also measured with the Stryker mutation testing framework.

npm run test
npm run stryker

We aim to achieve a coverage of 100%. Stryker and/or mocha test scores below 80% will fail the build.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

License and disclaimer

apache-2.0 with a notice.

We discourage the use of this work in production environments as it is in active development and not mature enough.