Validify JS
Generic validation library in javascript
Can be used as both an npm module and also on the browser
npm install validifyjs
<script src=“validify.js”></script>
Add html attribute "data-validify" to the element to be validated. The value of the attribute would decide what validation is to be done.
This ensures email validation on this input field, by calling isEmail when submitting the form by calling validateForm(formElements). Similary data-validify="html" maps to isHtml() method and so on. Individual methods can also be called, and the regex patterns can also be overridden. Example:
Override Regex Pattern:
isEmail("") or isEmail("", /(<([^>]+)>)/ig) (Although why use this particular regex is beyond me :P)
npm module
var validify = require('validifyjs')
Individual methods and validateForm(formElements) can be called for validation, as mentioned in the case for the browser.
Other methods:
- isEmpty()
- isZipCode() (only for codes in the US)
- isMDDYYYYDate()
- isDDMMYYYYDate()
- is24HourTime()
- is12HourTime()
- isHtml()
- isHexColor()
- isUrl()
- isEmail()
- isNumber()
- isInteger()
- isPositive()
- isNegative()
- isIpv4()
- isIPv6()
npm test
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.
Release History
- 0.1.0 Initial release
- Hari
- Shivkanth