
All types validation

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import validationsLib from '';



This library contains all types of validations required for Node and Angular 6

How to use it:


var validationsLib=required('validations-lib');

Angular app

import {Validation,FieldValidation} from 'validations-lib'

required object

var object = {
     title: 'number 1',
     type: 'number',
     condition: 'gt',
     currentValue: '1',
     message: 'number 1 must be greater than 25 ',
     params: [25],

Pass your object into this validations-lib


var result= validationsLib.Validation.validate(object)

typescript node 8+

var result= Validation.validate(new FieldValidation(object))

Your output will be

{'result':false,message:'number 1 must be greater than 25'}

Description of the base object

Property Details Default
title Validation(field) Title(string) blank
type Field Type(type of question) text
condition Conditons like greater than blank
currentValue Input (Field input) blank
message Customise your message lib generated
params Compare the values blank
required Required fields false
uid Unique identifier(numeric-optional) blank


Your field or Validation Title

Input Type(s)

Types Details
text By default it is text type
number Allows only number type
multiselect-dropdown Allows only single dimensional arrray of elements
date Date format (moment js)
time Time format (moment js)
datetime Allow date with time
timeRange Allows an array of time [time1,time2] or [[time1],[time2]]
dateRange Allows an array of date [date1,date2] or [[date1],[date2]]
dateTimeRange Allows an array of date with time [datetime1,datetime2] or [[datetime1],[datetime2]]

Condition(s) applied on fields

Types Details Support
gt Greater than all types
lt Less than all types
eq Equal to all types
lte Less than or equal to all types
gte Greater than or equal to all types
notEqual Not equal to all types
between Between all types except(ranges)
notBetween Not Between all types except(ranges)
sameAs This condition is only for text type (String match) text
notSame This condition is only for text type (String does not match) text
contains Text contains (String that contains specific string of character/s) text
notContains Text not contains (String that does not contain specific string of character/s) text
startwith Text start with (String starting with a particular character/s) text
endswith Text ends with (String starting with a particular character/s) text


One can have their own customised validation messages otherwise validations-lib provides default messages as well.


Based on the validations-lib here you can pass maximumm 2 parameters as mentioned below

Types Details
min Minimun number of elements
max Maximum number of elements

If one wants to set min value and max value one by one (one after the other) then one can use setParams() method with one argument.

Required (optional)

If you pass a boolean value in this object then it will give you appropriate message accordingly with UID otherwise by default it will return false.

uid (Unique ID)

This property contains unique identification of an object.


If you pass two parameters then it considers is as 'between' or 'not between' case.

In case of 'between' your object will be something like as shown below:

var object ={
     title: 'number 1',
     type: 'number',
     condition: 'between',
     currentValue: '1',
     message: 'number 1 must be between than 25 to 30',
     params: [25,30],

Multiple Field Validation

If you have a bunch of fields for validation in a single object, then we have to providee uid in question as well as entry object


var object = [
       title: 'number 1',
       type: 'number',
       condition: 'between',
        message: 'number 1 must be between than 25 to 30',
       params: [25,30],
       title: 'number 2',
       type: 'number',
       condition: 'between',
       message: 'number 2 must be between than 25 to 30',
       params: [25,30],
       title: 'number 3',
       type: 'number',
       condition: 'between',
        message: 'number 3 must be between than 20 to 30',
       params: [20,30],
       title: 'number 4',
       type: 'number',
       condition: 'between',
        message: 'number 4 must be between than 25 to 30',
       params: [25,30],

And your final input object will look something like below:

var entry = {
var result = validationsLib.validateWithGroup(entry,object)


'#1':{'result':false,message:'number 1 must be between than 25 to 30'},
'#2':{'result':false,message:'number 2 must be between than 25 to 30'},
'#3':{'result':false,message:'number 3 must be between than 20 to 30'},
'#4':{'result':false,message:'number 4 must be between than 25 to 30'}

Comparison with another question

If you want to compare your question with another question then specify uid in params, then your object will look something like this

       title: 'number 4',
       type: 'number',
       condition: 'between',
        message: 'number 4 must be between than 25 to #3 value',
       params: [25,'#3'],


result Key 'all' field is valid or not

'#1':{'result':false,message:'number 1 must be between than 25 to 30'},
'#2':{'result':false,message:'number 2 must be between than 25 to 30'},
'#3':{'result':false,message:'number 3 must be between than 20 to 30'},
'#4':{'result':false,message:'number 4 must be between than 25 to 40'}

For any other requirements

Feel free to mail me at

github URL