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Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import uxiBusiness from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/uxi-business';


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Common business component that are 'ready' to use and follow UX best practises.

  • signin ok
  • forgot ok
  • find client by id : ok
  • save url : ok
  • signup user :
  • reset pwd : ok


In order to use uxi-business component library you need to se the UxiBusinessProvider component.

It comes with a default context which does 'nothing'. It is up to the consumer to configue how the list of component should behave.


   import { UxiBusinessProvider } from 'uxi-business';

   const MyApp = () => (
     <UxiBusinessProvider log={(e) => {console.log(e)}} onSessionExpired={() => {alert('test)}}>
       <Application />

Here are the list of contextual props that you can override:

  • log: used when you want to log something
  • onSessionExpired: used when the session of the user has overidden or because a defualt handler throws a 401 in a REST API request.
  • logoutUrl: the URL used to logout the user.
  • loginUrl: the URL used to redirect ot a signin page.

Error Handling

Module related on how to handle errors in your application.


HOC which decorates any component and show an Error Message if the component throw a JS exception. This component has the duty to avoid having the whole page breaking due to an violation error.

You can use it this way:

   import { withDefaultErrorHandler } from 'uxi-business/errorHandling';

   const MyComponent = () => {

     throw new Error("Oh snap");

   export default withDefaultErrorHandler(MyComponent);


Takes a promise and add a default catch for a fetch method.

const fetchUser = withDefaultCatch(fetch('/users.json'));

The defaultCatch provides a default behaviors in terms of error for a fetch request.

Used from the action withDefaultErrorHandlingActions from User Message module, it will give you a set of default messages for common succes/error messages.

User Message

Module related to the Message you want to send to your user (success/warning/error/info).

import {
  reducer as userMessage,
} from 'uxi-business/userMessage';
import { showSuccess, showWarning, showError, showInfo } from 'uxi-business/userMessage/actions';

const rootReducer = combineReducers({
  form: formReducer,

const store = createStore(rootReducer)

const App = () => (
  <Provider store={store}>
      <button onClick={() => {dispatch(showSuccess('Good job!'))}}>Trigger some actions</button>

render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));

Redux Actions


Show a sucess message


Show a warning message


Show an Error message


Show an info message

Default REST error handling

  • HTTP Status : 200 => success message
  • HTTP Status : 202 => warning queue message
  • HTTP Status : 403 => access denied error message
  • HTTP Status : 404 => entity notfound error message
  • HTTP Status : 409 => conflict error message
  • HTTP Status : 5xx => unknow error message
  • HTTP Status : 4xx => unknow error message

How to decorate my action to receive the default User Message behavior?

  • User the method withDefaultCatch
  • Decorate your thunk (redux) with withDefaultErrorHandlingActions


import { withDefaultCatch } from 'uxi-business/errorHandling';
import { withDefaultErrorHandlingActions } from 'uxi-business/userMessage/actions';

export const shouldFetchUser = withDefaultErrorHandlingActions((dispatch) => (
  withDefaultCatch(fetch('/users.json')).then((data) => {
      type: 'RECEIVE_USER',