Minimalistic utilities for modern ES / TypeScript coding (assumes es2018 and above)
- Designed for modern JS/ES/TS programing ONLY, i.e. nodejs 16+ & modern browsers (post IE era)
- Carefully Typed (i.e., Built for and with TypeScript)
- Zero dependencies
fornull | undefined | NaN
Removes properties by value (new object returned, direct properties only)omit
Removes properties by name (new object returned, direct properties only)pick(obj, ...props)
Pick properties by name returns new objectpruneIn
Removes properties with undefined in place (no clone)split(string, delim?)
Splits (default ','), trim items and filter out empty ones.asArr(val | vals[])
Returns [val] if val, or vals[] if already array. null/undefined passthrough.equal
fast strict and deep equal function for object, map, set, date, regex, and primitive types.shortUuid
shorten a UUID to a base 58 format (bitcoin alphabet)toUuid
from base 58 to uuid format.encoder
create aencode(src: string)
function from a source and destitation alphabets.- All functions are nullipotent argument wise, except for
. - All functions are null-passthrough, meaning if null or undefined is passed it returns the value passed.
- null-passthrough is accordingly typed in TS with conditional typing when needed.
omitIn(obj, ...props)
Omit in place (not sure we need/want this one).asBool(val | vals[])
Returns true: 'true' | >0, false: 'false' | <=0 | null | undefined | NaN- (only if requested)
npm install utils-min
const nan = parseInt('not-a-number'); // as example
isObject({}); // true
isObject(1); // false
isObject([]); // false
isObject(nan); // false
isObject(null); // false
isObject(undefined); // false
// isNil: 'Nil' means 'null | undefined | NaN'
isNil(null); // true
isNil(undefined); // true
isNil(nan); // true
isNil([]); // false
isNil(''); // false
// isEmpty
isEmpty(null); // true
isEmpty(undefined); // true
isEmpty(nan); // true
isEmpty([]); // true
isEmpty({}): // true
isEmpty(''); // true
isEmpty('\n\t \r'); // true (whitespaces count as empty)
isEmpty(0); // false
isEmpty([undefined]); // false (use pruneNil before)
// isNotEmpty (same opposite as above, but use)
let arr: any[] | undefined | null = ...;
if (isNotEmpty(arr)){
arr.length; // will be NonNullable<typeof arr>
// isString (will also typescript assert "val is string" if returns true)
isString('hello'); // true
isString({some: 'text'}); // false
isString(123); // false
isString(['hello']); // false
isString(null); // false
isString(undefined); // false
// isNum
isNum(123); // true
isNum(-1); // true
isNum([123]); // false
isNum('123'); // false
isNum(null); // false
isNum(undefined); // false
// prune: prune properties with undefined (return new object)
prune({a: undefined, b: 123, c: [], d: null, e: nan}); // {b: 123, c: [], d: null, c: nan}
prune({ a: undefined, b: 123, c: [], d: null, e: nan }, 123); // { e: [], f: '' } (with additional exclude 123)
prune([undefined,1]); // [1]
prune([undefined]); // []
prune(null); // null
prune(undefined); // undefined
// pruneNil: prune undefined, null, and NaN (return new object)
pruneNil({a: undefined, b: null, c: 0, d: [], e: '', f: nan}); // {c: 0, d: [], e: ''}
pruneNil([undefined, null, 0, [], '', nan]); // [0, [], '']
pruneNil([undefined, null, 0, 1, 2, nan], 0, 1); // [2] (additional dxcludes 0 and 1)
// pruneEmpty: prune undefined, null, and NaN, '', []
pruneEmpty({a: undefined, b: null, c: 0, d: [], e: ''}); // {c: 0}
pruneEmpty([undefined, null, 0, [], '']); // [0]
pruneEmpty([undefined, null, 123, [], ''], 123); // [] (additional exclude 123)
// omit: return new object without some of properties (returned type Omit<T, K extends Extract<keyof T, string>>)
omit({a: 1, b: 'BBB', c: 'CCC'}, 'b', 'c'); // {a: 1}
omit({a: 1, b: 'BBB', c: 'CCC', d: null, e: undefined}, 'b', 'c'); // {a: 1, d: null, e: undefined}
// pick: return new object
pick({a: 1, b: 'BBB', c: 'CCC'}, 'b', 'c'); // {b: 'BBB', c: 'CCC'}
// split: split, trim, and remove empty items (default delim ',')
split('1 ,2, 3'); // ['1', '2', '3']
split('1 ,2,, \t,\n 3,,'); // ['1', '2', '3']
split('1 ;2, 3', ';'); // ['1', '2, 3'] (with custom delim ;)
// asNum: use Number to parse, but return null for empty strings and support array.
asNum('12.5'); // 12.5
asNum(12.5); // 12.5
asNum('12a'); // null
asNum('12a', -1); // -1
asNum(['12', 13, 'aa']); // [12, 13, null]
asNum(['12', 13, 'aa'], -1); // [12, 13, -1]
asNum(''); // null
asNum(['', ' ']); // [null, null]
asNum([undefined, undefined]); // [null, null]
asNum(null); // null
asNum(undefined); // undefined
// asArray: wrap argument into an array if not already an array. Returns correct TS type.
asArray(1); // [1]
asArray([1, 2, 3]); // [1, 2, 3] (same array)
asArray(['one', 2]); // ['one', 2] (same array)
asArray({some:'text'}); // [{some: 'text'}]
asArray([undefined]); // [undefined] (not transformation, use prune)
asArray(null); // null
asArray(undefined); // undefined
// equal: strict deep equal for array, object literals, Map, Set, Date, RegEx, and primtive types
equal(1, 1); // true
equal({a: 1, b: 2}, {b: 2, a: 1}); // true
equal([1, 2], [1, 2]); // true
equal([1, {two: 2}], [1, {two: 2}]); // true
equal({a: 1, b: undefined}, {a: 1}); // false (use prune)
equal([1, 2], [2, 1]); // false
equal([1, 2], [1, 2, undefined]); // false (use prune)
// deepClone: simple object/array deep clone (prototype, map/set, out of scope)
deepClone({a: 1, b: 'hello'}); // {a: 1, b: 'hello'}
deepClone([1, {b: 'hello'}]); // [1, {b: 'hello'}]
deepClone(null); // null
deepClone('hello'); // 'hello'
await wait(1000); // resolve in 1000 ms (wrap setTimeout as promise)
//returns '6GkPTNGKjCKKsmYrhw1imc'
// '2ab0968f-b122-4342-aa84-9a216dbfc6ff'
const hex_to_b58 = encoder(BASE_16_ALPHABET, BASE_58_ALPHABET); // not lowercase base_16 alphabet
const b58 = hex_to_b58('2ce109e9d0faf820b2434e166297934e6177b65ab9951dbc3e204cad4689b39c');
// returns '42BxvCVVLLY1UK1TnyDQwwfgvkc7Lw4uwDUZ9eCtfZuM'
// pruneIn: IN PLACE pruning of properties with undefined value
// (not necessarely faster than the nillipotent prune() version, especially for object)
const obj = {a: 1, b: undefined, c: null};
pruneIn(obj); // change obj to {a:1, c: null} and returns it as well
// (slower than prune when some undefined values)
const arr = [1, undefined, null];
pruneIn(arr); // change arr to [1, null] and returns it
// (faster than prune for arrays)