
A helper utility to step through a folder of obfuscated PHP and reveal it, using the awesome power of http://www.unphp.net/'s API

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import unphpFolder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/unphp-folder';



A helper utility to step through a folder of obfuscated PHP and reveal it, using the awesome power of http://www.unphp.net/'s API. This is very useful for working out what's going on inside dodgy Wordpress plugins, and why said plugin is breaking your lovely code.

It will clone the target folder, appending _decodedPHP_ and a timestamp.

You need to request an API key from UnPHP

Use it like so:

node unphp-folder.js <api key> <folder path>

An example might be:

node unphp-folder.js 1c2755023f354893ed17c99182d44464 /projects/obfuscatedPHPfiles/