
A plugin for Typedoc that exposes themes and options for rendering markdown for docusaurus.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typedocPluginDocusaurus from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typedoc-plugin-docusaurus';




A plugin for TypeDoc that exposes themes and options for rendering markdown for Docusaurus

Getting started


npm install --save-dev typedoc typedoc-plugin-docusaurus

How to use

The plugin provides an additional markdown theme.

node_modules/.bin/typedoc --theme markdown

Additional arguments

The plugin exposes the following additional arguments:

  • --mdFlavour<github|bitbucket>
    Specifies the markdown rendering engine. Defaults to github.
  • --mdHideSources
    Suppress sources from output
  • --mdSourceRepo<path.to.repo>
    The source repo to use for source file linking. Will be ignored on github flavoured projects.
    For bitbucket use: https://bitbucket.org/owner/repository_name.

Example output

The following DocComments:

 * This is a function with multiple arguments and a return value.
 * @param paramZ  This is a string parameter.
 * @param paramG  This is a parameter flagged with any.

export function functionWithArguments(paramZ:string, paramG:any):number {
    return 0;

Will generate the following output:

functionWithArguments(paramZ: string, paramG: any): number

Defined in functions.ts:41

This is a function with multiple arguments and a return value.


Param Type Description
paramZ string This is a string parameter.
paramG any This is a parameter flagged with any.

Returns: number


Browse some mocked samples to view further examples of generated output.


  • This is a quick and dirty fork of Thomas Grey's typedoc-plugin-markdown with a few minor edits required to flatten the output and make it suitable for direct use in Docusaurus. When we have more time we will come back and make this a parameter switch and submit a pull request to typedoc-plugin-markdown. Until then, feel free to submit pull requests to this one if it gets out of date with upstream.

  • He thanked kimamula's typedoc-markdown-theme for the inspiration behind this project.