_ like library written in typescript using templated generics where reasonable
import { map } from 'typed-json-transform';
const strings = ['apple', 'bannana'];
const lengths = map(strings, (str: string) => {
return str.length;
'lengths' is typed as Array
its value is as expected:
[ 5, 7 ]
this library is NOT a drop-in replacement for underscore ot lodash, however functions with similiar names should do the same thing.
documentation = index.d.ts:
declare module 'typed-json-transform' {
* Container Methods
interface SIO { [index: string]: any }
function each<T>(iter: { [index: string]: T } | T[], fn: (val: T, index?: string | number, breakLoop?: () => void) => void): void
function extend<T, U>(target: T & SIO, source: U & SIO): T & U
function extendN<T>(target: T & SIO, ...sources: Array<SIO>): T
function assign<A, B>(a: A, b: B): A & B
function combine<A, B>(a: A, b: B): A & B
function combineN<T>(retType: T, ...args: SIO[]): T
function any(iterable: Array<any>, fn: Function): boolean
function every<T>(iterable: any[], fn: Function): boolean
function map<R, I>(iter: { [index: string]: I } | I[], fn: (val: I, index: any) => R): R[]
function reduce<T, S>(input: Array<T>, fn: (input: T, memo: S) => S, base?: S): S
function reduce<T, S>(input: { [index: string]: T }, fn: (input: T, memo: S) => S, base?: S): S
function sum<T>(input: { [index: string]: T } | Array<T>, fn: (input: T) => number): number
function greatestResult<T>(input: { [index: string]: T } | Array<T>, fn: (input: T) => number): number
function sumIfEvery<T>(input: { [index: string]: T } | Array<T>, fn: (input: T) => number): number
function geoSum<T>(input: { [index: string]: T } | Array<T>, fn: (input: T, memo: number) => number): number
function union<T>(...args: T[][]): T[]
function intersect<T>(...args: T[][]): T[]
function difference<T>(a: T[], b: T[]): T[]
function contains<T>(set: any[], match: T): boolean
function containsAny<T>(set: any[], match: any[]): boolean
function containsAll<T>(set: any[], match: any[]): boolean
interface ComparisonOptions {
[index: string]: boolean;
strict: boolean;
function isEqual(actual: any, expected: any, opts?: ComparisonOptions): boolean
function prune<T>(obj: T): T
function plain<T>(obj: T): T
function clone<T>(input: T): T
function arrayify<T>(val: T | T[]): T[]
function okmap<T>(iterable: Object | Array<any>, fn: (v: any, k: string) => { [index: string]: T }): { [index: string]: T }
function stringify(value: any, replacer?: (number | string)[], space?: string | number): string
* Keypath
namespace Keypath {
interface Options extends SIO {
allLevels?: boolean;
diffArrays?: boolean;
function setValueForKeyPath(value: any, keyPath: string, input: SIO): void
function mergeValueAtKeypath(value: any, keyPath: string, obj: SIO): void
function valueForKeyPath(keyPath: string, input: SIO): any
function unsetKeyPath(keyPath: string, obj: SIO): boolean
function keyPathContainsPath(keyPath: string, ignorePath: string): boolean
function filteredKeyPaths(_keyPaths: string[], ignore?: string[]): string[]
function keyPaths(obj: SIO, _options?: Keypath.Options, _stack?: string[], parent?: string): string[]
function allKeyPaths(obj: SIO): string[]
function flatObject(object: any, options?: { includeBranches?: boolean }): SIO
* Diff / Mongo Method
namespace Mongo {
interface Document extends SIO {
_id: string;
interface Collection {
findOne: Function;
find: Function;
update: Function;
interface UpdateOptions {
collection?: Collection;
get?: Function;
set?: Function;
ignore?: string[];
interface Modifier {
$set?: SIO;
$unset?: SIO;
function forwardDiffToModifier(prev: SIO, doc: SIO, fieldsToIgnore?: string[]): Mongo.Modifier
function shouldSet(val: any, prev: any): boolean
function shouldUnset(val: any, prev: any): boolean
function diffToModifier(prev: SIO, doc: SIO, fieldsToIgnore?: string[], pruneEmptyObjects?: boolean): Mongo.Modifier
function modifierToObj(modifier: Mongo.Modifier): SIO
function objToModifier(obj: SIO): Mongo.Modifier
function apply<T>(dest: T, source: Mongo.Modifier): T
function $set(dest: SIO, source: Mongo.Modifier): void
function $addToSet<T>(dest: T[], src: T): T[]
function $unset(dest: Object, source: Mongo.Modifier): void
function update(doc: Mongo.Document, options: Mongo.UpdateOptions): Mongo.Modifier
function mapModifierToKey(modifier: Mongo.Modifier, key: string): Mongo.Modifier
* Check
function check(value: any, type: any): boolean
function isNumeric(n: any): boolean
function isArguments(object: any): boolean
function isEmpty(input: { [index: string]: string }): boolean
function isUndefinedOrNull(value: any): boolean
* Cascade
function cascadeShallow<T>(tree: T, keywords: string[], selectors: string[]): T
function cascade<T>(tree: T, keywords: string[], selectors: string[]): T
function select(input: string[], cssString: string): boolean;
class Graph<T> {
[index: string]: any;
addNode(node: string, data?: T): void;
removeNode(node: string): void;
hasNode(node: string): boolean;
getNodeData(node: string): any;
setNodeData(node: string, data?: T): void;
addDependency(from: string, to: string): void;
removeDependency(from: string, to: string): void;
dependenciesOf(node: string, leavesOnly: boolean): any[];
dependantsOf(node: string, leavesOnly: boolean): any[];
overallOrder(leavesOnly: boolean): any[];
Optionally Linked Hash Maps
class OLHV<T> {
require?: string;
value: T
class OLHM<T> {
[index: string]: OLHV<T>;
function map<T>(olhm: OLHM<T>, fn: (v: any, k?: string) => T): T[];
function okmap<T>(olhm: OLHM<T>, fn: (v: any, k?: string) => OLHV<T> | T): OLHM<T>;
function parseOLHM(object: any): OLHM<any>;
function safeOLHM<T>(olhm: OLHM<T>): T[];