
Library for caching data with many engines(memory,redis,etc...).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typedCache from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typed-cache';


Library for caching data with many engines(memory,redis,etc...). Every instance typed from your data. If you want create custom engine, please use EngineAbstract.


import { TypedCache,MemoryEngine } from './index';

// create service for typed cache
const service = await TypedCache.getInstance<string>({
  ttl: 60000, // in ms
  engine: new MemoryEngine<string>(),
// set key
const key1 = await service.set('myCacheString1');
// set auto update key data with ttl
const key2 = await service.setAutoUpdateCache(async () => {
  return 'myCacheString2';
// get data from key
const res1 = await service.get(key1);
// get data from multi keys
const mget = await service.mget([key1, key2]);
// delete key
await service.del(key1);