
What features does typebot_mods have? * 1️⃣Embeds * 2️⃣Advanced Config

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import typebotMods from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/typebot_mods';


⌨️ typebot_mods ⌨️

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What features does typebot_mods have?

  • 1️⃣Embeds
  • 2️⃣Advanced Config

How do I install it?

npm i typebot_mods

This can be quite a confusing module at first, here are some examples.
When requiring, I recommend in your main file you use the Init class, see example below.

const { Init } = require('typebot_mods')
//Initiate it..
new Init({
     discord: require('discord.js'),
         success: "#50CA2B",
         error: "#D31919"
             title: "Uh oh! An error appeared!",
             description: "Hey there! Either something went wrong with my robot code, or you did something wrong! Well, this is what happened! {str}"
             title: "Success!",
             description: "You have successfully completed the task {str}"  

With this code, you setup a discord variable, save the colors of your success and errror embeds, save the titles and descriptions of your success and error embeds as well.
Here is an example of of creating an error embed:

const { ErrorEmbed } = require('typebot_mods')
message.channel.send(new ErrorEmbed("Failed"))

This would make an embed like this (If you copied and pasted the code):
And here is an example of making a success embed:

const { SuccessEmbed } = require('typebot_mods')
message.channel.send(new SuccessEmbed("Yee"))

This is what it would look like:
I hope this module helps you!