
generator for (engraved/carved/...) texts into background images as training data

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import txgen from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/txgen';



Generate training data for scene text recognition


npm i txgen (-g for global install)

CLI example 1

500 character images based on regex pattern [0-9A-NP-Z#] with size 64x64 pixels and a padding of 4 pixels. Backgrounds come from directory ./backgrounds, fonts come from directory ./fonts. The output should be placed in directory ./chars-train and with the -d option files are placed in a directory with the name of the character and incremental file name (e.g., A/1.jpg, A/2.jpg, ...).

txgen -b ./backgrounds -f ./fonts -o ./chars-train -p "[0-9A-NP-Z#]" --number 500 -w 64 -h 64 -a 4 -d

CLI example 2

Similar to the above example, but with a different regex and no specified width (width is dynamically calculated based on length of generated text). The files are placed inside the output folder ./serial-numbers.

txgen -b ./backgrounds -f ./fonts -o ./serial-numbers -p "[A-NP-Z0-9#][A-NP-Z0-9\-]{2,10}[A-NP-Z0-9]?" --number 500 -h 64 -a 10 -d

CLI Options

Option Description Required
-b Path to directory with background image files
-f path to directory with .ttf font files (e.g., downloaded from dafont)
-o Output directory of generated files
-t A text string which should be generated
-a Padding in pixels between image border and generated text
-p A regex pattern which defines strings to be generated (use either -t or -p)
-n The total number of output images which should be generated
-s The font size which should be used in pixels
-w The width of the output image in pixels
-h The height of the output image in pixels
-d The generated output should be placed in directories with text/pattern name and incremental filenames


example example example example example example example example example example example example example example example example