
Twitter JS Client

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import twitterNodeClient from '';


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A Twitter Node Module to authenticate and interact with the Twitter REST API from NodeJS.


npm install twitter-js-client
var Twitter = require('twitter-js-client').Twitter;


You need to create a Twitter app to use the API.

    //Callback functions
    var error = function (err, response, body) {
        console.log('ERROR [%s]', err);
    var success = function (data) {
        console.log('Data [%s]', data);

    var Twitter = require('twitter-js-client').Twitter;

    //Get this data from your twitter apps dashboard
    var config = {
        "consumerKey": "XXX",
        "consumerSecret": "XXX",
        "accessToken": "XXX",
        "accessTokenSecret": "XXX",
        "callBackUrl": "XXX"

    var twitter = new Twitter(config);
    //Example calls

    twitter.getUserTimeline({ screen_name: 'BoyCook', count: '10'}, error, success);
    twitter.getMentionsTimeline({ count: '10'}, error, success);
    twitter.getHomeTimeline({ count: '10'}, error, success);
    twitter.getReTweetsOfMe({ count: '10'}, error, success);
    twitter.getTweet({ id: '1111111111'}, error, success);

    // Get 10 tweets containing the hashtag haiku

    twitter.getSearch({'q':'#haiku','count': 10}, error, success);
    // Get 10 popular tweets with a positive attitude about a movie that is not scary 

    twitter.getSearch({'q':' movie -scary :) since:2013-12-27', 'count': 10, 'result\_type':'popular'}, error, success);

Twitter has a comprehensive REST api if you need to use something that doesn't have a wrapper function in the library call it directly :

    twitter.getCustomApiCall('/statuses/lookup.json',{ id: '412312323'}, error, success);
    twitter.postCustomApiCall('/direct_messages/new.json',{user_id: '1234', 'text':'This is easy.'}, error, success);

To get the list of expected parameters and results, check


Search Tweets. Docs

To learn how to use Twitter Search effectively read Using the Twitter Search API

    twitter.getSearch(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Update user's status (Tweet). Docs
    twitter.postTweet(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Follow another user by user_id or screen_name(handle). Docs
    twitter.postCreateFriendship(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Get a user's timelineDocs
    twitter.getUserTimeline(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Get the latest 20 recent mentions for the authenticating user. Docs
    twitter.getMentionsTimeline(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Get the latest tweets and retweets by the authenticating users and the ones they follow. Docs
    twitter.getHomeTimeline(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Get latest retweets of authenticated user. Docs
    twitter.getReTweetsOfMe(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Get a tweet by id. Docs
    twitter.getTweet(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Get information about a user by user_id or handle (screen_name). Docs
    twitter.getUser(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Get a cursored collection of the followers of a user_id or a handle (screen_name). Docs
    twitter.getFollowersList(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


Get a cursored collection of the followers' ids of a user_id or a handle (screen_name). Docs
    twitter.getFollowersIds(parameters, errorCallback, successCallbackok);


Upload media (images) to Twitter. Docs
    twitter.postMedia(parameters, errorCallback, successCallback);


There is a test file TwitterITSpec.js that does a basic integration tests of the client. It uses a properties file test/spec/properties.json to inject in the OAuth properties. These will need to be updated with your own details before the tests will run

Running tests

make test