TV Emitters package
Another TV Family Bot project
This package contains the code used by TV Family Bots for the emitter types, ( or kin ).
The emitter bots get the signal from a certain TV channel and "emits" its contents to other mediums, ( like Twitter, Mastodon, … ).
The Content that is generated can be in the form of a snapshot, a GIF, a movie clip, … depending on the type of Emitter bot is using the library.
If you don't already have have them, please install Node.js. This will install two programs: node, which runs JavaScript from the command line, and npm, which helps you install software that Node.js can run.
Via npm:
$ npm install tvemitterbot
This library uses ffmpeg so, in order to be able to use this module, make sure you have ffmpeg installed on your system (including all necessary encoding libraries like libmp3lame or libx264).
Create credentials on Twitter
At this point you need to register a Twitter account and also get its "app info".
So create a Twitter account for whatever account you want to tweet this stuff. Twitter doesn't allow you to register multiple twitter accounts on the same email address. I recommend you create a brand new email address (perhaps using Gmail) for the Twitter account. Once you register the account to that email address, wait for the confirmation email. Then go here and log in as the Twitter account for your bot:
Once you're there, fill in the required fields: name, description, website. None of it really matters at all to your actual app, it's just for Twitter's information. Do the captcha and submit.
Next you'll see a screen with a "Details" tab. Click on the "Settings" tab and under "Application Type" choose "Read and Write", then hit the update button at the bottom.
Then go to the Keys and Access Tokens tab, and at the bottom click "create my access token". Nothing might happen immediately. Wait a minute and reload the page. then there should be "access token" and "access token secret", which are both long strings of letters and numbers.
Now use a text editor to open up the ".env" file. It should look like this:
In between those quotes, instead of 'blah'
, paste the appropriate info from the Details page. This is essentially the login information for the app.