
TSLint configuration from Travix

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tslintConfigTravix from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tslint-config-travix';



Travix configuration for TSLint.

This configuration extends the following ones:

  • tslint:recommended
  • tslint-config-prettier
  • tslint-react


Create a file .tslint.json with following content:

  "extends": "tslint-config-travix"


Release of a new version of the npm module is triggering automatically on push (merge) to master branch.

  • In case you make git push to master branch it will check your commit's message to match the pattern to get release version.
  • If you merge a PR to master branch without squash it will check all commits one by one and will release the highest version.
  • If you merge a PR with squash you have to handle it manually (check all commits messages and add appropriate squash message following the pattern).

Pattern for commit messages

We use simple-commit-message to simplify commit messages. Here is a pattern:

  • fix: <MESSAGE> - does release patch version of NPM module. Alias - patch: <MESSAGE>
  • minor: <MESSAGE> - releases minor version. Alias - feat: <MESSAGE>
  • major: <MESSAGE> - releases major version. Alias - break: <MESSAGE>