Jhecht's TSlint Config
Greetings, this is simply the TSLint configuration that I use with a fair bit of frequency. While this is the general way I do things, I will likely update this in the near future as I remember more obscure settings I've had to tweak in other projects.f
To use in your project, simply run
yarn add --dev tslint-config-jhecht
Or, if using NPM:
$ npm i -D tslint-config-jhecht
These are my personal preferences -- you're welcome to use them, and you're also welcome to not use them. If you like most of my settings, but disagree with others, then you can simply extend by configuration by following the steps above, and then in your project root creating a tslint.json
and adding in the following lines:
"extends": "tslint-config-jhecht",
"rules": {
// the rules I have set whose values you would like to update