
TSLint rules for sweet code

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tslintCake from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/tslint-cake';


tslint-cake npm version CircleCI

TSLint rules for sweet code


  1. Install
yarn add tslint-cake
  1. Update tslint.json
  "extends": ["tslint-cake"],
  "rules": {
    "react-prefer-simple-fragment": true
    // ...


To have a place to add miscellaneous TSLint rules that don't exist in TSLint or common TSLint libraries.



Use { foo: bar } instead of { ["foo"]: bar }

react-prefer-simple-fragment [Fixer]

Use <></> instead of <React.Fragment><React.Fragment/>

jsx-no-true-attribute [Fixer]

Use <Foo bar/> instead of <Foo bar={true}/>


Prefer String() or .toString() to cast as a string instead of `${}`.


Remove unnecessary scopes in switch statement cases when the only child expression is a return statement.


switch (foo) {
  case bar: {
    return "foo"
// can become
switch (foo) {
  case bar:
    return "foo"


Using a variable name with type never is likely a mistake.

name is defined globally if you include --lib dom.

see: https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/blob/3a2f6a3ed1a598a241e7c750873105f22e7a2463/lib/lib.dom.d.ts#L17405


Prefer forEach instead of map when the result isn't used

foo.map(x => {
  x.id = 10

// should be

foo.forEach(x => {
  x.id = 10


Using .catch() on a Promise usually means that you could better describe the outputs of the async function using a union or Result<T, E> types.

declare const getFooAsync: () => Promise<number>

  .then(r => console.log(r))
  .catch(e => console.error(e)) // `e` could be anything. We can't type the arg to catch.

// instead we can do the following

declare const getBarAsync: () => Promise<number | Error>

getBarAsync().then(r => {
  if (r instanceof Error) {
  } else {


The values of an index signature of a type are always possibly undefined even though TypeScript won't warn you. This lint forces you to define your index signature to possibly return undefined.

interface IFoo {
  [key: string]: number // Error: Value of an object key is possibly undefined.

interface IBar {
  [key: string]: number | undefined // ok


This rule is an attempt at gaining some semblence of exactness with object spread.

Currently, there are cases where TypeScript won't warn about adding extra, non-existing properties to an object when spreading. This lint fills in some of those gaps and warns you when adding non-existent properties.

Note, this rule attempts to enforce exactness on all spreads and this might not be what you want.

interface IState {
  id: number
  name: string
  address: {
    street: string
    state: string
    country: string

function update(state: IState): IState {
  return {
    notProp: false // TypeScript error

// TypeScript will also warn with nested spreading
function update(state: IState): IState {
  return {
    address: {
      notProp: false // TypeScript error

// However, if we pull the nested spread out into a variable TypeScript won't
// warn us about extra properties

// no errors with TypeScript
function update(state: IState): IState {
  const address = {
    // TSLint error when we enable this rule
    foo: "bar"
  return {


When using React.memo() or extends React.PureComponent the default comparsions are shallow which means they will always render for complex props like Date's, Arrays, or Objects, even if the underlying values are equivalent.

In the cases of these complex props, this lint will warn you and recommend passing a custom compare function React.memo() or defining a custom shouldComponentUpdate and extending React.Component.

Caveat: If an object is passed as a prop and isn't copied/changed, i.e., no {...x} then referential integrity is retained and the shallow compare of React.memo() and PureComponent will correctly prevent a render. So if you are using something like Immutable-js where shallow equals is maintained then this lint might be less helpful.

interface IOkayProps {
  name: string
  accountAge: number | string
  admin: boolean

const Okay = React.memo((props: IOkayProps) => (
    {props.name} ({props.accountAge})

interface IBadProps {
  user: {
    name: string

// TSLint raises error
const Bad = React.memo((props: IBadProps) => <p>{props.user.name} </p>)

// TSLint raises error
class BadPure extends React.PureComponent<IBadProps> {
  render() {
    return <p>{props.user.name} </p>


Checks for cases where null, undefined, or object are converted to string.

const userName: string | null | Date = null
// all of the following error
const foo = `hello ${userName}`
const bar = String(userName)
const blah = "hello " + userName


yarn build

yarn test

yarn lint

yarn fmt

yarn publish


  • add fixers