Typescript Dependency Injector Manager
Very small dependency injection manager which doesn't use the common pattern
of injecting the dependencies via constructor and which also does not require
a factory when instantiating a class annotated with Service
npm install --save tsdim
Simple, direct injection
import {Service, Autowired} from 'tsdim';
class ServiceA {
class ServiceB {
@Autowired(ServiceA) public a: ServiceA;
// No need of factories, or anything else.
const b = new ServiceB();
console.log('b.a is instantiated', b.a);
Injection tokens
import {Service, Autowired} from 'tsdim';
class ServiceA {
class ServiceB {
@Autowired('service-a') public a: ServiceA;
// No need of factories, or anything else.
const b = new ServiceB();
console.log('b.a is instantiated', b.a);
Changing a service implementation:
import {Service, Autowired} from 'tsdim';
class ServiceA {
class ServiceB {
@Autowired(ServiceA) public a: ServiceA;
class ServiceC {
Injector.provide({provide: ServiceA, useClass: ServiceC});
// No need of factories, or anything else.
const b = new ServiceB();
console.log('b.a is of type ServiceC', b.a instanceof ServiceC); // true
console.log('b.a is not of type ServiceC', b.a instanceof ServiceA); // false
Use factories
import {Service, Autowired} from 'tsdim';
class ServiceA {
constructor(private _config: MyConfiguration){}
class ServiceB {
@Autowired(ServiceA) private _a: ServiceA;
function FactoryA(config: MyConfiguration) {
return new ServiceA(config);
Injector.provide({provide: ServiceA, useFactory: FactoryA, dependencies: [{...config object...}]});
// No need of factories, or anything else.
const b = new ServiceB();
console.log('b.a._config is instantiated and of type MyConfiguration', b.a['_config'] instanceof MyConfiguration); // true
If you want to see the rational behind it, then read on.
Problems with DI using constructors
Injecting dependencies via constructor is very bad for a few reasons:
We need to know the private dependencies of a service if we need to extend it.
In case we need to instantiate a class provided by a dependency injector container via the constructor, we always need a factory. This is why
is using theComponentFactoryResolver
service. Because inAngular
components need to be instantiated and destroyed per request (they are not singleton) and a Factory is needed to get an instance of a given component.
And I know that we are being told that we should not instantiate classes with
new or that we try to avoid extending classes. But there are lots of valid use
cases to instantiate classes manually (see the mentioned case of Angular
components) or to extend services or other things otherwise provided by a
dependency injection container.
I've seen lots of code going to some out of the way trying to avoid extending something because then they would need to provide the private internal dependencies of the service they were trying to extend. I've also seen other code simply giving up and just aquiring the required service and passing it to the super class.
Examples of bad practice
Let's say we have a service playing videos. This service can use several
backends to play videos (for example vlc
and mplayer
). This service is
also using another service to get the metadata of the videos.
And then, depending on some factors (like user input, part in the application where we are rendering the player etc.) one of those backends will be used. This is a classical case of declaring an abstract class and then defining it afterwards. How is this model normally implemented, avoiding extension?
export class MetadataService {
public retrieveMetadata(videoId: string): Metadata {
// ... retrieve the metadata
export interface PlayerBackend {
play(url: string);
export class VlcBackend implements PlayerBackend {
public play(url: string){
// ... play video
export class MPlayerBackend implements PlayerBackend {
public play(url: string){
// ... play video
export type BackendType = 'vlc' | 'mplayer';
export class VideoService {
private _metadataService: MetadataService,
private _vlcBackend: VlcBackend;
private _mplayerBackend: MPlaterBackend;
public play(videoId: string, byWhat: BackendType) {
const metadata = this._metadataService.retrieveMetadata(videoId);
if (byWhat == 'vlc') {;
return ;
if (byWhat == 'mplayer') {;
return ;
export class Consumer {
constructor(private _videoService: VideoService){}
public userChooseBackend(): BackendType {
// ... return the user preferred backend
public playVideo(videoId: string) {, this.userChooseBackend());
Notice that if I would know from the beginning of the application that only one backend is choosen, then this is another scenario, and in this case I can just inject that specific backend based on some kind of token, and the implementation would be much simpler. But in the case I need to choose the backend at run time, depending on user preferences, then we have to go to a lot of overhead, just to avoid inheritance. Why we need that? Because, if we would use inheritance, it would look something like this:
export abstract class AbstractVideoService {
@Inject() private _metadataService: MetadataService,
public abstract play(videoId: string);
export class VlcBackend extends AbstractVideoService {
constructor(private _metadataService: MetadataService) {
// ... initialization code here
public play(videoId: string){
// ... play the video
export class MPlayerBackend extends AbstractVideoService {
constructor(private _metadataService: MetadataService) {
// ... initialization code here
public play(videoId: string){
// ... play the video
export class Consumer {
private _backends: Map<string, AbstractVideoService> = new Map<string, AbstractVideoService>();
constructor(private _vlcBackend: VlcBackend, private _mplayerBackend: MPlayerBackend){
this._backends.set('vlc', this._vlcBackend);
this._mplayerBackend.set('mplayer', this._mplayerBackend);
public userChooseBackend(): Backend {
// ... return the user preferred backend
public playVideo(videoId: string) {
Notice how in the pure object oriented paradigm, the responsibility of choosing the backend is completely the concern of the consummer? In the "do not use inheritance for the sake of not using inheritance" paradigm, this concern is shared between the service and the consumer.
But the issue with the inheritance paradigm is that the backend service needs
to know that the video service internally has a dependency on the
. And of course, it could be 10 dependencies. The problem is
the same. Also, imagine that you need now to extend the Consumer class. And on
top of this, you have 10 possible backends. How would that look?
Of course, this can be modeled in other ways, but this is the main issue of passing injection tokens in constructor.
How else to do dependency injection?
What about the old way Spring
java framework used to do it? Using the
and Autowired
So, let's consider the above mentioned example. In the inheritance paradigm, what if we have this:
export abstract class AbstractVideoService {
@Autowired(MetadataService) private _metadataService: MetadataService;
public abstract play(videoId: string);
export class VlcBackend extends AbstractVideoService {
constructor() {
// ... initialization code here
public play(videoId: string){
// ... play the video
export class MPlayerBackend extends AbstractVideoService {
constructor() {
// ... initialization code here
public play(videoId: string){
// ... play the video
export class Consumer {
private _backends: Map<string, AbstractVideoService> = new Map<string, AbstractVideoService>();
@Autowired() private _vlcBackend: VlcBackend;
@Autowired() private _mplayerBackend: MPlayerBackend
this._backends.set('vlc', this._vlcBackend);
this._mplayerBackend.set('mplayer', this._mplayerBackend);
public userChooseBackend(): Backend {
// ... return the user preferred backend
public playVideo(videoId: string) {
In this example, now the backend can safely inherit the AbstractVideoService
without worrying about it's internal dependencies.
This is what this dependency injection manager proposes: these 2 annotations
and Service
For examples, see the first part of this read me.
The only downside
The only downside of doing DI this way, is that we have no way of knowing in a
constructor if a service has been initialized or not, unless specified by the
provider in the deps. So, if we want to use another service in the constructor
that is also wired, we have to use the @PostConstruct
annotation, to be sure
that all services have been initialized.
export class ServiceA {
export class ServiceB {
@Autowired(ServiceA) private _a: ServiceA;
constructor() {
// Here, this._a is probably undefined, so doing this._a.doStuff()
// will result in an error.
private _init() {
// Now, you are sure A is initialized, and you can use it