
Minimal validation library with TypeScript type inference

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsVchecker from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-vchecker';


TS VChecker

Minimal validation library with TypeScript type inference

npm install ts-vchecker


This library lets you build a standard type guard declaratively.

The resulting type is inferred by TypeScript automatically, and you can give it a name if you want to reuse it in your code.

The following declarations are available (see documentation below):

Type Declaration Notes
boolean vBoolean()
number vNumber()
string vString()
null vNull()
undefined vUndefined()
Literal ("foo" as const) vLiteral(...) Treats all NaN values as equal, unlike JavaScript.
any vAny() Always matches.
never vNever() Never matches.
object vObject(...) A schema must be provided. Extra properties are ignored.
array vArray(...) A child type can be provided.
Union (A \| B \| ...) vUnion(...) A value must match one of the schemas.
Intersection (A & B & ...) vIntersection(...) A value must match all of the schemas.
Runtime logic:
if with type guard vRefine(...) Takes a user-defined type guard to narrow down the type.
if without type guard vValidate(...) Takes a user-defined validation function returning a boolean.


Declare both your type and the validation function at once:

export type MovedEvent = VCheckerType<typeof isMovedEvent>;
export const isMovedEvent = vObject({
  type: vLiteral("moved"),
  data: vUnion(
      parentId: vValidate(vString(), isUUID),
      index: vNumber(),
      parentId: vNull(),

Use the validation function in your code like a standard type guard:

const event = req.body;

if (!isMovedEvent(event)) {
  return res.status(400).end();

res.status(200).send("Moving node to " + event.data.parentId);

The following types are inferred automatically by TypeScript.

// type MovedEvent = {
//   type: "moved";
//   data:
//     | {
//         parentId: string;
//         index: number;
//       }
//     | {
//         parentId: null;
//       };
// };
// const isMovedEvent: (x: unknown) => x is MovedEvent;



function vAny(): VChecker<any>
  • This checker returns true for any value


function vArray(checker: VChecker<T> = vAny()): VChecker<T[]>
  • This checker returns true for empty arrays
  • This checker returns true for arrays of correctly typed values
  • This checker returns false for non-arrays
  • This checker returns false for arrays of incorrectly typed values


function vBoolean(): VChecker<boolean>
  • This checker returns true for booleans
  • This checker returns false for non-booleans


function vIntersection(
  schema1: VChecker<T1>,
  schema2: VChecker<T2>,
  schema3: VChecker<T3> = vAny(),
  schema4: VChecker<T4> = vAny(),
  schema5: VChecker<T5> = vAny(),
  schema6: VChecker<T6> = vAny(),
  schema7: VChecker<T7> = vAny(),
  schema8: VChecker<T8> = vAny(),
  schema9: VChecker<T9> = vAny(),
  schema10: VChecker<T10> = vAny()
): VChecker<T1 & T2 & T3 & T4 & T5 & T6 & T7 & T8 & T9 & T10>
  • This checker returns true if and only if all checks return true


function vLiteral(literal: T): VChecker<T>
  • This checker returns true for the given value
  • This checker returns true for NaN values (unlike === in JavaScript)
  • This checker returns false for not the given value


function vNever(): VChecker<never>
  • This checker always returns false


function vNull(): VChecker<null>
  • This checker returns true for null
  • This checker returns false for non-null values


function vNumber(): VChecker<number>
  • This checker returns true for numbers
  • This checker returns false for non-numbers


function vObject(
  schema: T
): VChecker<
    [K in keyof T]: VCheckerType<T[K]>;
  • This checker returns true if and only if all values in schema match
  • This checker returns true for an array if the array matches the schema (weird JavaScript quirk)
  • This checker returns true for objects with extra properties
  • This checker returns false for non-objects


function vRefine(
  checker: VChecker<T>,
  refinement: (x: T) => x is U
): VChecker<U>
  • This checker returns true if and only if both checks return true


function vString(): VChecker<string>
  • This checker returns true for strings
  • This checker returns false for non-strings


function vUndefined(): VChecker<undefined>
  • This checker returns true for undefined
  • This checker returns false for non-undefined values


function vUnion(
  schema1: VChecker<T1>,
  schema2: VChecker<T2>,
  schema3: VChecker<T3> = vNever(),
  schema4: VChecker<T4> = vNever(),
  schema5: VChecker<T5> = vNever(),
  schema6: VChecker<T6> = vNever(),
  schema7: VChecker<T7> = vNever(),
  schema8: VChecker<T8> = vNever(),
  schema9: VChecker<T9> = vNever(),
  schema10: VChecker<T10> = vNever()
): VChecker<T1 | T2 | T3 | T4 | T5 | T6 | T7 | T8 | T9 | T10>
  • This checker returns true for values of one of the given types
  • This checker returns false for values not of one of the given types


function vValidate(
  checker: VChecker<T>,
  validator: (x: T) => boolean
): VChecker<T>
  • This checker returns true if and only if both checks return true