
quick TypeScript documentation extractor

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsQuickDocs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-quick-docs';


ts-quick-docs NPM Circle CI

quick TypeScript documentation extractor

This little tool parses a TypeScript 2.1 project and spits out a big list of documentation objects for each interface and const discovered. That data file can be used to generate human-friendly documentation in any desired format.



  1. ts-quick-docs [path/to/file.ts]... > interfaces.json
  2. open interfaces.json

Note: options are not supported from the CLI.

Node API

From TypeScript program:
const ts = require("typescript");
const program = ts.createProgram(files, compilerOptions);

const tsdoc = require("ts-quick-docs");
const documentation = tsdoc(program, { /* options */ });
// documentation is an array of IDocEntry items
fs.writeFileSync("interfaces.json", JSON.stringify(documentation, null, 4));
From set of files:
const tsdoc = require("ts-quick-docs");
const documentation = tsdoc.fromFiles(files, compilerOptions, { /* options */ });
// documentation is an array of IDocEntry items
fs.writeFileSync("interfaces.json", JSON.stringify(documentation, null, 4));

Note that files must be an array but it can contain just the entry file if it imports others. A dummy TS program is created internally so we'll walk that tree for you.


excludeNames: (string | RegExp)[]

Array of patterns that will be matched against each entity's name. Matching entities will be excluded from the output.

excludePaths: (string | RegExp)[]

Array of patterns that will be matched against each file's path. Matching files will be parsed but entities in those files will not appear in the output.

includeDefinitionFiles: boolean = false

Whether to include symbols from .d.ts files in the generated documentation blob. These files are excluded from the output by default because they tend to produce a lot of noise: do you really need every symbol from @types/node.d.ts??

includeBasicTypeProperties: boolean = false

Whether built-in properties for basic types should appear in the output (such as String.prototype.toString). Basic types include boolean, number, string, arrays of those three, string literals, and numeric literlas. Defaults to false because these properties tend to pollute output for no benefit.