
import ApiClient from "ts-node-fetch-client";

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsNodeFetchClient from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-node-fetch-client';



Simple Usage

import ApiClient from "ts-node-fetch-client";

interface IResponse {
    foo: string;
    bar: string;

const apiClient = new ApiClient({
    baseUri: "https://example.com/api"

async function get(){
    const res = await apiClient.get<IResponse>({
        path: "/sample"
    // The response interface is typed.
    console.log( res.foo );
    console.log( res.bar );

APIs for ApiClient

Name Description
get Use get in Method. 
post Use post in Method.
put Use put in Method.
delete Use delete in Method.

Parameters for APIs

All APIs have the same parameter format. | Name | Type | Required | Description | | ---- | ---- | ---- | ---- | | path | string | Yes | EX) /api/resource/ | | resType | *1 ResponseType | | Default: resType when creating ApiClient
Obtain a resource according to the specified RequestType. | | req | any | | Request data for Fetch | | header | *2 SimpleHeader | | Merge with the original header. | | pathParams | Record<string,string|number> | | If this parameter is specified and the path is something like /:resource/:id, request with a Rest-like URI. |

Parameters for ApiClient

Name Type Required Description
baseUri string Yes The base URL for API entry point.
resType *1 ResponseType Default: "json".
Can choose from json, text, blob... in Fetch Response.
header *2 SimpleHeader Default: *3 DefaultHeader
logging *4 SimpleLogger Default Console
  • *1 ResponseType:
        const ResponseTypes = ['json','text','blob','buffer','arrayBuffer'] as const;
        type ResponseType = typeof ResponseTypes[number];
  • *2 SimpleHeader:
    const ContentTypes = ["application/json", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "multipart/form-data"] as const;
    interface SimpleHeader extends Record<string,string> {
        "Accept": string;
        "Content-Type": typeof ContentTypes[number];
  • *3 DefaultHeader:
    const DEFAULT_HEADER: SimpleHeader = {
        "Accept": "*/*",
        "Content-Type": "application/json"
  • *4 SimpleLogger:
    type SimpleLogger = Pick<Console, 'error' | 'info' >


Flow of Request Body creation (excluding Get)

switch( CONTENT_TYPE ){
    case 'application/json':
        return JSON.stringify(req);
    case 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
        return stringify(req as any);
    case 'multipart/form-data':
        const checkObject = isObject(req);
        if( checkObject ){
            const formData = new FormData();
            Object.entries(req).forEach( ([key,value]:[ string, any]) => {
            } )
            return formData;
        return req;
        return undefined;


import ApiClient from "ts-node-fetch-client";

interface ISimpleBook {
    bookId: string;
interface IBook {
    bookId: string;
    title: string;
    author: string;

const apiClient = new ApiClient({
    baseUri: "https://example.com/api",
    resType: 'json',
    header: {
        "Accept": "*/*",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"

async function run(){
    await apiClient.post<void,Omit<IBook,"bookId">>({
        path: "/books",
        req: { // Typed Omit<IBook,"bookId">
            title: "title",
            author: "author";
    const list = await apiClient.get<ISimpleBook[]>({
        path: "/books",
    for( const l of list ){
        const book = await apiClient.get<IBook>({
            path: "/books/:bookId",
            pathParams: {
                bookId: l.bookId
        const donwload = await apiClient.post<Blob>({
            path: "/books/:bookId/download",
            pathParams: {
                bookId: l.bookId
            resType: 'blob'
        await apiClient.put<IBook,Partial<IBook>>({
            path: "/books/:bookId",
            pathParams: {
                bookId: l.bookId
            req: { // Typed Partial<IBook>
                title: "Next title",
                author: "Next author",
        await apiClient.delete<IBook,Partial<IBook>>({
            path: "/books/:bookId",
            pathParams: {
                bookId: l.bookId