Check if all references are correct in a Typescript/yarn/lerna monorepo.
$ yarn add -WD ts-monocheck # In the root of your monorepo
$ yarn ts-monocheck
Monorepo root /home/thomas/code/weewoo
lerna.json /home/thomas/code/weewoo/lerna.json
Build tsconfig.json /home/thomas/code/weewoo/packages/tsconfig.json
📦 weewoo-web packages/weewoo-web
Is not marked as composite in its tsconfig.json
Not included in /home/thomas/code/weewoo/packages/tsconfig.json's references
📦 packages/weewoo-geocode
Package depends on weewoo-location, but that package is not referenced in its tsconfig.json
📦 packages/weewoo-reactors
Package depends on weewoo-integration-test-utils, but that package is not referenced in its tsconfig.json
Package depends on weewoo-server, but that package is not referenced in its tsconfig.json
📦 packages/weewoo-server-web
Package depends on weewoo-server, but that package is not referenced in its tsconfig.json