
Typesafe decoder for TypeScript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsDecoder from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-decoder';


ts-decoder A functional, opinionated, TypeScript library for decoding arbitrary inputs into type-safe objects

Some features of ts-decoder:

  • Functional-style: no classes except for DecodeError, all operations are data-last for easier composition
  • Built in decoders for basic types: boolean, number, string and date
  • Support for typed array and iterable decoding
  • Support for object decoding
  • Provides a base DecoderError class to distinguish decoding errors from any other error
  • Provides a very simple Decoder TS interface (type Decoder<T> = (input: any) => T). Bulding a custom decoder is very easy.
  • Supports decoding nested array, iterable and object structure either fully or partially.
  • Provides a mechanism for collecting decoding errors on nested structures without aborting the decoding process (functional-style error bubbling).
  • Strict or forced decoding. Strict mode checks for types to be exactly as expected. Forced decoding attempts to map the input to the output type.