
Manage dates, timestamps, and .NET DateTime JSON in TypeScript

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import tsDateTimes from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/ts-date-times';


TS DateTimes

Dependencies: none

Utility functions for date-time conversion in TypeScript.

  • Conversion of unix epoch timestamps to javascript 'Date' objects and back, see Timestamps.
  • Conversion of dates/timestamps to human readable display dates, see Dates and Timestamps.
  • Conversion to/from .NET style JSON timestamps (i.e. /Date(1234567890-0000)/), see DotNetJsonDate.
  • Date constants, such as month names, day of week names, etc., see DateConstants.
  • And helper functions for calculating date differences, first/last certain day of the week in a month, etc, see DateUtil.