
Javascript library for testing truthiness of anything. Coerce string booleans into true booleans. Truthyness is not the same as equality!

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import truthyjs from '';



Javascript library for testing truthiness of anything. Coerce string booleans into true booleans. Truthyness is not the same as equality!


var truthy = require('truthy')();

var someParam = req.params('foo');
if (truthy(someParam)) {
  // do stuff

// or with options
var truthy = require('truthy')({ coerceStringBooleans: true });

var someParam = req.params('foo');
if (truthy(someParam)) {
  // do stuff


truthy({}) === true
truthy({ foo: 'bar' }) === true
truthy(function() {}) === true


truthy([]) === true
truthy(["foo", "bar"]) === true
truthy(undefined) === false


truthy(null) === false


truthy(NaN) === false)
truthy(0) === false
truthy(1) === true
truthy(2) === true
truthy(-1) === true


truthy('') === false
truthy('false') === true
truthy('true') === true
truthy('abc') === true


truthy(true) === true
truthy(false) === false
truthy(Boolean(false)) === false
truthy(Boolean(true)) === true
truthy(new Boolean(true)) === true
truthy(new Boolean(false)) === false
truthy(new Boolean("true")) === true
truthy(new Boolean("false")) === true
truthy(Boolean(0)) === false
truthy(Boolean(1)) === true
truthy(new Boolean(0)) === false
truthy(new Boolean(1)) === true
truthy(new Boolean(0)) === false
truthy(new Boolean(1)) === true
truthy(new Boolean("0")) === true
truthy(new Boolean("1")) === true
truthy(Boolean("abc")) === true
truthy(new Boolean("abc")) === true

options explained - coerceStringBooleans: true

You can set the coerceStringBooleans option to coerce the string value "true" to boolean true and the string "false" to boolean false. String "true" and "false" matches are case-insensitive.

// with coerceStringBooleans set to true
truthy('') === false
truthy('false') === false
truthy('False') === false
truthy('FALSE') === false
truthy('true') === true
truthy('True') === true
truthy('TRUE') === true
truthy('abc') === true