
Trusti Public API SDK

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trustisdk from '';


Trusti SDK

Official NodeJS SDK for Trusti


The Trusti NodeJS SDK provides the quickest / easiest path for interacting with the Trusti API


npm install --save trustisdk


To start, simply require the Trusti SDK and set up an instance with your Trusti Public API Keys. Don't know what your keys are? Check out your Profile Page.

const trustiSDK = require('trustisdk').trustiClient;

const trusti = trustiSDK('<API - KEY>');

Quickly test that you can connect to the API with the following call:

//await getAssetByCredential
(async () => {
  let response = await trusti.getUserDetail({
    pubkey: 'VEX5sYmkssvFZ3zWLYELao7mBWcCuB72kovDSDPBAFpECsMoVzW5N',

Example Usage

Once you've set up your instance, using the Trusti SDK is easy. Simply call your desired function and handle the results of the promise.

Questions? Issues? Suggestions?

Feel free to file a github issue or email us at

We'd love to hear from you!