
add and revoke trust over time

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trustLog from '';



add and revoke trust over time

Stores trust events in a log so that sources of trust can evolve fluidly with a project. For example, you might add a key when you get a new laptop and revoke that key if your laptop is lost or stolen, but other people can still verify the old releases signed by the previous key.


generate a key and store it in the db:

var trust = require('trust-log');
var level = require('level')
var sodium = require('sodium').api
var minimist = require('minimist')
var argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2))

var keypair = sodium.crypto_sign_keypair()
var value = {
  secretKey: keypair.secretKey.toString('hex'),
  publicKey: keypair.publicKey.toString('hex')

var db = level(argv.d, { valueEncoding: 'json' })
db.put('key', value, function (err) {
  if (err) console.error(err)

add another trusted key:

var trust = require('trust-log');
var level = require('level')
var sodium = require('sodium')
var hsodium = require('hyperlog-sodium')

var minimist = require('minimist')
var argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2))

var db = level(argv.d, { valueEncoding: 'json' })
db.get('key', function (err, value) {
  var keypair = {
    secretKey: Buffer(value.secretKey, 'hex'),
    publicKey: Buffer(value.publicKey, 'hex')
  var log = trust(db, hsodium(sodium, keypair, {
    publicKey: function (id, cb) { log.isTrusted(id, cb) }
  }))[0], function (err) {
    if (err) console.error(err)


var trust = require('trust-log')

var log = trust(db, opts)

Create a new trusted log with a levelup handle db and:

  • opts.identity - the public key of the current node
  • opts.sign - a signing function for the desired crypto
  • opts.verify - a verification function for the desired crypto

Optionally set opts.tofu to true to set "trust on first use" mode. This mode trusts the first replicated key during replication if the log is empty.

If opts.identity is not provided, trust will be written into a secondary location that is not signed. This is useful for relay servers that have no identity of their own but need to trust other keys.

Using sodium you can do:

var hsodium = require('hyperlog-sodium')
var sodium = require('sodium')
var opts = hsodium(sodium, keypair)

to generate the appropriate opts for a sodium keypair., cb)

Add trust for an identity/publicKey id.

log.revoke(id, cb)

Revoke trust for an identity/publicKey id.

log.trusted(from=null, cb)

Obtain a list of trusted nodes at from point in history or the most recent when null as cb(err, ids) for an array of ids.

log.isTrusted(from=null, id, cb)

Compute whether the identity/publicKey id is trusted at from as cb(err, ok).

log.verify(from=null, node, cb)

Compute whether a hyperlog node is correctly signed with an identity trusted at from as cb(err, ok).

var r = log.replicate(opts)

Return a full-duplex replication stream r for the underlying hyperlog. opts are passed through to hyperlog's replicate() after the indexes have caught up.


With npm do:

npm install trust-log


Thanks to blockai for sponsoring this project.
