JavaScript module to truncate HTML strings.
Provides the ability to truncate HTML strings down to excerpts based on character length, word length or paragraph length.
- Truncate based on number of Characters, Words or Paragraphs.
- Strip HTML from returned string.
- Provides a strict flag to specify whether to cut-off mid word or not.
- Configurable suffix appended to the end of the returned excerpt.
npm install truncatise
Options (with default values)
TruncateBy: 'words', // Options are 'words', 'characters' or 'paragraphs'
TruncateLength: 50, // The count to be used with TruncatedBy
StripHTML: false, // Whether or not the truncated text should contain HTML tags
Strict: true, // If set to false the truncated text finish at the end of the word
Suffix: '...' // Text to be appended to the end of the truncated text
Example Usage
var options = {
TruncateLength: 4,
TruncateBy : "words",
Strict : false,
StripHTML : true,
Suffix : ' (Read More)'
var excerpt = truncatise("<p>This is a test of Truncatise</p>", options);
console.log(excerpt); // This is a test (Read More)