
Slack bot for facilitating humorous interaction and stats tracking

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trollbot from '';



Slack bot for facilitating humorous interaction and stats tracking

Install & Run

  1. Clone the repo to the location you'd like to run it from.
$ git clone

Or install from npm.

$ npm install trollbot -g
  1. Setup your configuration and data files (replace values as necessary).
$ cp ./config/default.example ./config/default.json
$ cp ./data/demerits.example ./data/demerits.json
$ cp ./data/merits.example ./data/merits.json
  1. Start the server (You may want to use something like SMF or upstart).
$ node index.js --abort-on-uncaught-exception

Or if you've installed from npm.

$ trollbot
  1. If you'd like to get detailed output pipe to bunyan
$ node index.js | bunyan --color


@<username>: demerit         -- gives a user a demerit
@<username>: merit           -- gives a user a merit
merit                        -- gives last message user a merit
demerit                      -- gives last message user a demerit
self: demerit                -- give yourself a demerit
@<botname>: stats            -- shows merit and demerit stats
@<botname>: help             -- shows this message

  • Note: trollbot currently persists stats data on a 5 second interval. If you're super worried about your stats data, make the interval shorter, or buy me a beer and I'll do something fancier.