
Trigonometry rules to solve equations for angles and sides

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trigonometryEquations from '';



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Trigonometry rules to solve equations for angles and sides



npm install trigonometry-equations --save


  1. Construct an object mapping angles and sides to their respective objects where the key is a number in the range [0, 3) and the value is the given number.
  2. Pass the object to an equation function that corresponds with an appropriate mathematical rule.
  3. The function will return an object similar to the input except it will include a key-value pair containing the solution with full numerical precision.
import {
} from 'trigonometry-equations';
// ES5 / CommonJS require works in addition to ES6 import
// var equations = require('trigonometry-equations');
// In ES5 call equations.sineRule, etc
let unsolvedTriangle = {
  angles: { 1: 35, 2: 105 },
  sides: { 1: 7 }
  angles: { 1: 35, 2: 105 },
  sides: { 1: 7, 2: 11.788282006559363 }

unsolvedTriangle = {
  angles: { 2: 59 },
  sides: { 0: 3.6, 1: 5.3 }
  angles: { 2: 59 },
  sides: { 0: 3.6, 1: 5.3, 2: 4.6255969410912074 }

cosineRule has an optional parameter
allowing you to specify the angle solved
when you pass it three sides.
If you don't pass in this parameter it will
solve the first unsolved angle of the triangle.
unsolvedTriangle = {
  sides: { 0: 8, 1: 5, 2: 9 }
const findAngle = {
  findAngle: 1
console.log(cosineRule(unsolvedTriangle, findAngle));
  angles: { 1: 33.55730976192071 },
  sides: { 0: 8, 1: 5, 2: 9 }

unsolvedTriangle = {
  angles: { 0: 60, 1: 60 },
  sides: { 1: 20 }
  angles: { 0: 60, 1: 60, 2: 60 },
  sides: { 1: 20 }

unsolvedTriangle = {
  angles: { 1: 39 },
  sides: { 1: 28, 2: 41 }
// if there is no solution ambiguousCaseRule will return null
ambiguous: {
  angles: { 0: 28.147082985775114, 1: 39, 2: 112.85291701422489 },
  sides: { 0: 20.988713127721486, 1: 28, 2: 41 }


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MIT License Copyright (c) 2017 Calvin Mikael