
Trifid Ontodia plugin

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import trifidPluginOntodia from '';



Ontodia for Trifid. This middleware does the static file hosting for all Ontodia files and renders an index page that points to the given endpoint URL.


The following options are supported:

  • endpointUrl: URL to the SPARQL endpoint which will be used in the YASGUI interface
  • template: Path to an alternative template (default: views/index.html)

Configuring Trifid to use trifid-plugin-ontodia is done the same way as trifid-plugin-yasgui. Since Trifid provides an example config using trifid-plugin-yasgui: config-sparql.json, here is how to configure trifid-plugin-ontodia by simply duplicating the YASGUI config parts:

  "yasgui": {
    "default": {
      "path": "/sparql"
+ "ontodia": {
+   "default": {
+     "path": "/ontodia"
+   }
+ },
  "breakDown": {
    "handler": {},
    "handler.root": {},
    "handler.root.options": {},
    "handler.root.options.endpointUrl": "sparqlEndpointUrl",
    "handler.root.options.authentication": "sparqlEndpointAuthentication",
    "sparqlProxy": {},
    "sparqlProxy.default": {},
    "sparqlProxy.default.endpointUrl": "sparqlEndpointUrl",
    "sparqlProxy.default.authentication": "sparqlEndpointAuthentication",
    "yasgui": {},
    "yasgui.default": {},
    "yasgui.default.endpointUrl": [
+   "ontodia": {},
+   "ontodia.default": {},
+   "ontodia.default.endpointUrl": [
+     "sparqlProxy.default.path",
+     "sparqlEndpointUrl"
+   ]
  "plugins": {
    "sparqlProxy": {
      "priority": 115,
      "module": "trifid-core:./plugins/middleware",
      "middleware": "sparql-proxy"
    "yasgui": {
      "priority": 115,
      "module": "trifid-plugin-yasgui"
+   "ontodia": {
+     "priority": 115,
+     "module": "trifid-plugin-ontodia"
+   }